Jan/Feb 2022 Stock Show Edition

show mom

have preferred the simple, non-flashy, tried and true, title of “mom” over the

fancy, glamorous word, “show mom”. It was always my belief that it was a title that fell on me because my children showed livestock. A show mom made sure the health papers were picked up from the vet, show clothes ironed, shoes and belt not forgotten, cooler loaded and of course, the crockpot. Small tasks that, to me, seemed very mundane. However, I’ve recently realized being a show mom is something much more. That it is not solely a responsibility to help my kids prepare to show livestock in the show ring, it is also a role bestowed


upon me, to elevate me, to be a better mom. A show mom will be challenged to see how much can be conquered in a day, and then is required to devise a plan to execute. It will push you to go farther than you thought possible when being pulled in so many different directions. Teaching you that even when exhaustion has set in and it has felt nearly impossible to give anymore, to dig deep. To find the beauty in the chaos and to continuously cherish the moments. Being a show mom has strengthened me beyond measures, and in doing so has also resulted in

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