Jan/Feb 2022 Stock Show Edition

these amazing by-products, my children, who have witnessed what ultimate love, dedication and sacrifice is. The best part of being a show mom is that our children have had front row seats to see that the key to success is doing more than what a job description entails. They have been immersed in what work without ceasing means and have seen that hard work, passion and perseverance is what gets the job done. That things will often not go the way you expect, but that the right perspective can turn those obstacles into opportunities. They know what putting others before yourself feels like and above all else what it looks like to put your whole soul into something you believe in. Show moms are behind the scenes workers full of grace, grit, and determination, who seek little recognition. They work silently and diligently and take great pleasure in knowing that their greatest contribution to the world is living in front of their children the way they wish them to live. •


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