August 2022 State Fair Edition

their thanks to Jason and Aaron who will stay back while they are exhibiting all across the country. Just recently the girls exhibited at the Exposition where they were fortunate enough to exhibit the Supreme Overall Gilt. With this being Ashtin’s last year, this win meant a lot to the Guyer family. They said, “there’s nothing quite like sharing something like that

with your family and closest friends who have become like family over the years.” As the girls get older, they have reflected on their time in the show ring, and although there are a few more years that the Guyer’s will be exhibiting they can’t help but thank God for everything that He has blessed them with, because “nothing is impossible through Him.” The win

at Expo is something that they will always cherish as a family. One thing that they would like to pass on to the next generation of exhibitors is to never waiver, and your family will always be your biggest cheerleaders so keep them close and remember to set your goals high, but not out of reach, and keep working for them because they will be achieved. •


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