Sept/Oct 2023 Fall Edition

ONE WHAT IS YOUR BACKGROUND IN THE LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY? I grew up in the hill country of Texas and started showing steers when I was old enough. I then started hauling Purebred cattle across the United States. My kids participated in the steer and lamb deal. TWO WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE YOU HAVE JUDGED? This is a tough one. One of the neatest things would be judging the Open Cattle the last year they had the Cow Palace out in California – with all the history. I have enjoyed all the majors like Denver, etc. THREE WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO THE MOST… I have had the opportunity to judge some of the Junior breed shows at the Royal. The main thing I am looking forward to is getting to do this in honor of Stanley Stout (a former American Royal Board of Directors member and chairman of the Livestock Committee) and Bud Sloan (a former beef cattle superintendent and livestock superintendent for the American Royal). It is a special thing for me. The winner of the Supreme Champion Heifer will be awarded a $5,000 Stanley E. Stout Memorial Supreme Heifer Scholarship as well as be awarded the Bud Sloan Supreme Heifer Trophy. FOUR WHAT IS YOUR IDEAL HEIFER? The first thing anybody that knows me and what I look for will know I am going to be hunting a female. Starting at the ground, she has to be able to travel. I don’t worry about the freak fronts like some guys; but I am going to try to find the complete female of the group. FIVE MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU I like Western Art and Western Poetry like Baxter Black.


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