Sept/Oct 2023 Fall Edition

The time on the road searching for cattle, sick ones that have passed, the loss of my grandpa, jackpot shows, loosing, winning, and even a judge that made an impact to me set a fire in me to never give up. What this industry has done for me is not like any other industry. The friends you make, the connections you build will last a lifetime and that I will be forever thankful for. The one thing I will most be thankful for is my team. My team has been there through it all. There is not enough thank yous that I could say to ever repay them for being there every step of the way. I don’t want to leave anyone out because there are so many people behind the scences. I truly appreciate all of you. Mom: Thank you for being one of my biggest supporters from day in and day out. Having you take the time to be in the cooler while I was away at college doesn’t go unnoticed. Thank you for supporting my dreams and helping me achieve my goals and without you it wouldn’t have been possible. Dad: I don’t think you realize what you have done for me. You have done everything you possibly could to help me achieve my goals. All the early mornings and late nights are

something that I will never forget and you have made it more enjoyable. All the blood, sweat, and tears you put into helping me leaves me speechless. I will forever take in the hugs, laughs and tears after a long summer. I couldn’t have done this without my best friend by my side. Uncle Steve and Uncle Kurt: Thank you two for all the support you have given me. You are there whenever we need you. You are always our go to to when it’s something in the cooler or at the farm. Thank you for believing in me and always cheering me on. It doesn’t go unnoticed. Brandon, Ernie, Todd, and John Choate: You 4 are by far the best team a girl could ask for. Thank you for finding the perfect calf for us each and every year and doing whatever you can to make him better. Thank you for your wisdom, knowledge, and advice and everything else you do for my family. Thank you for helping me achieve my goals. We appreciate all you guys have done. We had an unbelievable run! To each and every one of you thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done. No better way to end my junior career. ■


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