Sept/Oct 2023 Fall Edition

I am Avery Shalla from Riverside, Iowa. I’m 18 years old and the oldest of 5 children. I have 3 brothers Ryland, Mason, Parker and my new little sister Everlyn. My show career started when I was 6 years old when I exhibited my Aunt’s steer (Bubba) in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I fell in love with showing at that moment and never looked back! Since then I have been able to accomplish multiple goals of mine, from Grand Champion Market Animal at the Iowa Beef Expo in 2022, Grand Champion 4-H Market Steer at the Iowa State Fair also in 2022 and establishing my most recent win, Grand Champion 4-H Market Goat at the Iowa State Fair in 2023 and Reserve Overall 4-H Breeding Meat Doe at the Iowa State Fair 2023. Being able to achieve my goals throughout the years could not have been possible without the guidance and support from my family. Showing livestock has taught me many life lessons that I will carry on with me throughout the rest of my life. I have been able to meet some of my

best friends and have made great connections with people throughout the Midwest. Although showing cattle has always been my main focus, showing goats throughout these past few years has been very rewarding. I started showing goats just four years ago in 2019. From then on, I set goals every year working harder and harder towards this year’s state fair win. I have been very fortunate to have also won Grand Champion 4-H Breeding Meat Doe as well as Reserve Grand Champion 4-H Breeding Meat Doe at the 2021 Iowa State Fair. For me and my family, being able to compete in multiple species has been amazing and this year having both my brother Mason’s steer and my goat in the Sale of Champions at the Iowa State Fair was truly a dream come true. I could not have been able to compete at this level, however, if it wasn’t for the people who have been at my side through it all. I want to take this opportunity to thank my parents, Nic and Jayna, for always pushing me

harder every day and driving me to always be the best version of myself. I also want to thank my brothers for working alongside me every day in the barn! A special thanks to Luke Doris, Wade Rodgers, Cooper Bounds, and an extra special thank you to Nolan Ferguson who has been by my side since I was 10 years old and has been one of my biggest role models in the livestock industry. Nolan has never been afraid to critique my work and push me to success. I wouldn’t have been able to reach my goals without Nolan’s guidance and I couldn’t be more grateful to have had the opportunity to work with him throughout my show career. Showing livestock has been the most rewarding experience of my life. I wouldn’t be where I am today without all the lessons learned and amazing people I have met along the way. The memories I have made throughout my show career will last a lifetime and are something that I will cherish forever! ■


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