Sept/Oct 2023 Fall Edition

would become frustrated not just because I didn’t win but because I didn’t know what I needed to do to win. Each year I gained more knowledge from camps we attended, people I met, and even some trial and error. I slowly climbed to the top of classes and even grabbed some division wins. People started to notice me. The feeling I got when people I didn’t know complimented me is indescribable. All the time and effort put in was starting to pay off. When I decided I was going to buy a steer for the state fair I knew it was going to be tough to find “the one” and I am so appreciative of everyone who helped. I fell in love with Smash and his laid-back personality as soon as I started working with him, I knew he was going to be special. It’s hard to put into words how I truly feel about this win. For years I sat ringside during the steer show and fantasized about being the showman who was at the end of the halter of the champion. All the emotions come running back to me every time I get a good job or congratulations. Everyone says it but the early mornings and late nights, the sacrifices made, and all the blood, sweat, and tears really do make it worth it in the end. There were days through the summer I struggled to stay motivated, but I am so grateful for my friends and all the support behind me to keep me going. Even without the banners, the people I’ve met and the opportunities I’ve had through this last year are things I wouldn’t trade for the world. There are so many people to thank for believing in me and helping me get to this point. While I can’t list them all, a few deserve special shoutouts, to my parents and Dylan this would not have happened without you. ■


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