Sept/Oct 2023 Fall Edition

show results 102 Ohio State Fair

106 Indiana State Fair 118 Illinois State Fair 132 Colorado State Fair 138 State Fair of West Virginia 146 The Throwdown 150 Iowa State Fair 166 Wisconsin State Fair 170 South Dakota State Fair 172 Southeast IA Showdown 176 South Dakota Showdown 178 Minnesota State Fair 180 Missouri State Fair 182 Kentucky State Fair 184 Kansas State Fair 188 Nebraska State Fair 103 Holden LeVan 107 Tyler Patterson 109 Catelynn Hockemeyer 123 Sheridan Hank 129 Hunter Shike 139 Montgomery Bertram Beyond The Backdrop




152 Mason Shalla 156 Nic Reemtsma 158 Simon Thoreson 162 Avery Shalla 168 Tori Crisp




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