Sept/Oct 2023 Fall Edition

H i, I’m Sheridan Hank and I just participated in my last Illinois State Fair, and sadly – my last junior livestock show ever! I was grateful and honored to exhibit the Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb as well as the Third Overall Market Lamb. I truly can’t think of a better way to end my junior showing career. I am passionate about the agriculture industry which is no surprise as I grew up on my family’s row crop farm and wean-to-finish hog operation. The majority of my junior career was based around me showing cattle with my brothers, but I started showing sheep in 2020. I attribute my success to the incredible people I have in my corner. I am forever grateful for their dedication, intelligence, and drive for me to succeed. I truly believe that “Rohn’s Theory” holds so much power and

you strive to be – you’ll not become great hanging around average people. “Surround yourself with those on the same mission as you.” – Anonymous Of course, every livestock kid puts the physical hard work, dedication, and time into their livestock. However, I believe mental resilience is just as or more important. I’ll admit, it’s so easy to get frustrated in the barn or at shows so being mentally tough is a valuable skill. Wrapping up I would just add that I think this quote holds a lot of relevance and importance, “a winning attitude allows you to work on the things you can control.” – Germany Kent I could not have done all of this without the help, guidance, support, and most importantly, the push without Zach Stuaan and Nate Brookshire. Also, I’ve had the honor to be influenced by so many outstanding people, and will be forever thankful. So, thank you to the livestock industry - the organizations and people - that go to the moon and back to support the youth growing up in the best way possible of showing livestock. It’s not a farewell, but a role change. ■


validity in showing livestock. This theory implies that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. It’s essential to hang around people who

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