Sept/Oct 2023 Fall Edition

M y name is Catelynn Hockemeyer and I exhibited the Reserve Grand Market steer at the Indiana State Fair along with the champion shropshire market lamb and the champion white face cross intermediate market lamb showman. This year was a huge accomplishment after all the hours in the barn working hair, walking bracing. we never dreamed this

could be accomplished. It was a wild ride with my steer, Revenge he kinda had a mind of his own but when he hit the ring he was a totally different animal. He was always a lot of fun to have around and probably one of my best friends. He was a fun steer to show and a fun steer to have around. 4-H was never just my effort, me and my family do this together and that is one of the best things I could ever ask for. It makes it a

lot more fun to have your biggest supporters in the barn helping you to be better and pushing you to make you better, Yeah at times me and my sister are biggest competitors but also best friends and biggest fans and supporters. This year probably would have never happened without all the people who helped down to the fitters, the people who raised, sold him, the people who kept me calm before show time my family and team is most of the reason I have accomplished so much. ■


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