Sept/Oct 2023 Fall Edition

They made sure he was taken care of while I was at Angus Junior Nationals in Nebraska showing my heifer. My parents have always supported me in everything that I set out to do, and without them, this would not have been possible. My siblings have taught me what I needed to know to be successful with my steer and are always there for guidance. Hank, Harrison, Hadley, Cati, and Frani have all been a huge help to me, not only with my steer, but in life. I would like to thank the Boyert Family, the Watson Family, Nolan Furgeson, and everyone involved who helped Dale and I get to this point. Without good friends and family, exhibiting livestock successfully would not be possible. It feels surreal that my show season ended at the Ohio State Fair. I am very blessed to be part of the livestock industry and appreciate everything that I have learned along the way. Knowing that being able to show good quality beef cattle is an accomplishment and contributes to the improvement of the quality of livestock in this country makes me a better showman. The ultimate goal is to have a complete animal that will be successful in the show ring and be marketable. If there is one thing that I have learned from showing livestock, it is to accept constructive criticism and work hard. It has shown me the extent to which families come together for a common goal that makes it great. Working hard together, supporting each other, celebrating victories, and learning from losses is what makes families stronger. Winning the Ohio State Fair Market Beef Show was truly a dream come true, none of it would have been possible without the people behind the scenes who can't be thanked enough. There’s no other people I'd rather win at this level with. Dale was one of a kind and he is definitely a steer myself and many others are never gonna forget. ■


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