Jan/Feb 2023 Stock Show Edition

is, I hope to continue to coach after I complete my PhD and be surrounded by the best young minds in the industry. Spencer is currently at Redlands community college in El Reno, Oklahoma. He has been there for the last several years and is very fortunate to be surrounded by the quality of people he works alongside on a daily basis. He always says how he couldn’t do what he does without the support of the other faculty there in the agriculture department at Darlington. I know I’m biased but he has done an incredible job and has had some of the best young minds in the sport go through that program, and I know he hopes to continue to take it to new heights. I

know he plans to continue coaching at a collegiate level for the foreseeable future. My mom and dad are holding the fort down back in Missouri while we are down south. My mom, Krista, is an educator at Nevada Middle School teaching English, she easily has the hardest job out of the crew! My dad, Shannon, is still raising cattle and goats that keep him busy. We try and generate cattle and goats that can compete at an elite level. Everyone knows how fast this game moves and to get to the top it takes an extreme amount of time and effort. Without my brother and I at home it’s tough balancing everything but I give him a hard time and tell him it’s keeping him young!

We plan to keep advancing as a family and trying to get better every day in all aspects of life. Clancy is my son, and he has been a really bright light for all of us. He’s back in Missouri running around all over the place and enjoys helping with chores and riding around on his tractors. I know we are all excited to start taking him to livestock shows with stock of his own but enjoying the days of him being a little guy and just loving life. We stay pretty busy around the house and on the road all the time, but we wouldn’t have it any other way… time marches on at a pretty fast manner! ■

I do want to take a second and say thank you to The

Showtimes crew for the opportunity to do this, but most importantly serving as a progressive asset for our industry as a whole. No one promotes the youth of the stock show circle like you guys, and I want to say thank you! It takes people like you guys to take what we do to new heights and your group no question does that!


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