Jan/Feb 2023 Stock Show Edition


ShowCoat was more than just a topical spray that happened to grow great hair; everything about the product was completely different and challenged products that had been in the industry for years. The primary focus of this new brand was to provide products with the highest quality natural oils and extracts the world had to offer, but also how and when to apply them. This new process forced the old generational habits of hair care theory to be discarded to achieve the desired results. Fundamental scientific research with actual scientific reasoning began to change how hair growing was approached. Users had to be properly educated on how to use the product, break old habits, and trust that this guy from Alabama knew his stuff. ShowCoat worked and worked extraordinarily well, regardless of what kind of hair, breed, species, or climate one might find themselves in.

Discovering a niche in an established, saturated market is a tough fete for anyone, even the big boys, but to find a niche and keep refining it is rare. Chad Folger found his place with the ShowCoat product and continued to use his unconventional methods to define needs in the industry. For example, unlike most sheens high in silicones and chemicals, ShowCoat products concentrate on using no silicones but instead locking in healthy hair/hide goodness using an all-natural approach. The Folgers then developed their own "how to" videos for each product, free to the public to use as an educational tool anytime needed. As science continues to advance, so do the ShowCoat products. Most recently, the brand has created an advanced strategy that guides users step by step on how to grow tremendous shag on their show stock.

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