ucked away just a few miles from the Florida/
fancy by any means. No cool room, only a couple of fans, and although industry standards changed quite a bit through the years since Chad had competitively shown as a junior, hair was still the key to a great-looking project. Nothing enhances the appearance of show stock like a fantastic coat of hair, which is precisely why so much effort is spent caring for it. Hair growth takes time and depending on your climate, genetics, nutrition, and much more, it can be quite tricky to achieve. Regardless of what some might claim, products used for daily hair care and grooming do really play a significant role in healthy hair growth results. If they didn't, they would not be needed in the market. And for decades, every family in the industry, at some point in time, has mixed their own concoction of over- the-counter items with remedying
some need in their barn. So, with the help of his mother, many years of research, and friends from around the country who gave their honest feedback, what would become known as ShowCoat was created. With zero intent to sell this new hair-growing mixture and a lot of extra time on his hands due to health issues, Chad now had the advantage of growing lots of healthy hair quickly with ShowCoat, which enabled his own son and cattle customers a more competitive advantage in the show ring. However, once the word started getting out, ShowCoat quickly became an industry game changer. And right before the Folgers' eyes, one gallon at a time, one case at a time, and one product at a time, ShowCoat Solutions became the "accident" the Lord had in store for the family. In an already saturated market,
Georgia state line is a small family business called ShowCoat Solutions, which happened by accident. Well, "accident" only because it was indeed never on the list of "things to do" when Chad & Kellie Folger discussed their future as they raised their family in southeast Alabama. Chad and his siblings grew up showing cattle on the family farm, learning everything they could from their father and family friends, who also showed back in the day. However, one thing that never changed was the immense year-round heat and humidity the south is known for that last almost the entire year and is certainly not ideal for growing show shag. The Folger barn was nothing
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