The Showtimes has always allowed us to showcase our graphic design skills and make showing cattle look cool. While we absolutely love the history and the traditions of our industry, we also like making our publication and videos as cutting edge as possible. Our Blackout Jackpot show is a perfect example of this. We look at it as what a jackpot and judging contest would look like if it were a junior national. If we were kids showing at our show, what would they think? When we showed, we would go to a jackpot that would be just a simple horse arena with maybe a sponsor banner or two on the fence and a curtain backdrop. Blackout Jackpot 9 will be our craziest show yet. We are going bigger and better than ever before. From the backdrops and ring decorations to the neon, smoke and lights this will be an event that you don’t want to miss! Each issue we try to make better than the one before. We think of creative ways to add foil, a special foldout, a neat layout or just a way to design show photos differently. We try to make each magazine interesting and fun to read. Showing and marketing cattle doesn’t have to be boring. It can be fun and exciting! We give all glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Showtimes would be nothing without God. God is the most important thing in this world. It’s not the banners or the buckles or the success. We always strive to put God first. Our family has been blessed to be a part of this industry. Thank you to everyone who has ever advertised, subscribed, picked up a copy of The Showtimes, watched one of our Show Center videos or purchased a hoodie from our Store. The Showtimes has big plans for 2025. We look forward to seeing you in Denver at the National Western Stock Show and in Loveland for Blackout Jackpot 9! ●
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