Jan/Feb 2025 Stock Show Edition


howtimes is the result of three things... passion, family and vision.

Buck, Nick Reimann, Mark Overman, Krisha Geffert (Custis), Don and Logan MacLennan, Warren and Darla Cude, Rod Kerchall and Mike Frink just to name a few. God has a funny way of writing stories; because these same people have turned out to be very instrumental in The Showtimes. We have always been an extremely tight knit family. Some of our favorite memories are of fitting our steers for the Grand Drive at the Colorado State Fair as a team of three. The Showtimes has become our new Grand Drive. The hours we spent at the barn have transitioned into time spent at shows and in the office working to produce the best and innovative livestock magazine the industry has ever seen. We strive to push the limits and cover exhibitors, livestock and producers in a way that we would have liked to have been covered while we were growing up showing. It is very rare to find one Reid without the other. However, it is each of our uniqueness put together with the others’ that makes up The Showtimes.

Eighteen years ago, The Showtimes was created. However, it was the years leading up to 2007 that

ultimately started the path to

where it would go. All three of us grew up with a love of showing livestock in 4-H. Our mom, Betty, raised and exhibited sheep when she was younger and the interest in the livestock industry passed on to us. When Brian was four-years-old, our Grandpa pulled into the driveway with a Hereford calf in tow. The rest is history. We exhibited cattle, hogs, sheep and goats at the county, state and national level and were active members of the livestock judging team. Over the years, we had the privilege of working with some of the industry greats such as John Sullivan, Bob May, Mark Dorsey, Kirk Roecker, Darren Straka, Travis Otterstad, Steve Bonham, Adam Pryor, Kirk Stierwalt, Jirl


2003 State FFA Degree Burlington, CO - Brian 2003 Congressional Medal Washington DC - Brian 2004 1st Place State DECA Colorado Springs, CO - Brian 2004 2nd Place ICDC DECA Nashville, TN - Brian 2005 All-State Judging Colorado - Brian 2007/08 DECA State Officer Laurie 05/06/07/08 All-State Judging Colorado - Lisa 2008 BHS Valedictorian Laurie 2008-10 Maine Board Laurie 2009/10 Maine Jr. President Laurie 2010 Boettcher Scholar Lisa 2010-12 Maine Board Lisa

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We would not have been able to do The Showtimes without the help and support of our parents, Jim and Betty Reid. Mom is a big help at shows and in the office with sales and PR. Dad always made sure everything at home and in the sign shop ran smoothly while we were on the road or busy with deadlines.

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