The Showtimes was a Member of the Denver Rustlers Sale Group at the Colorado State Fair for several years. Lisa and Laurie are pictured here with Tim Schultz. In 2020 The Showtimes purchased the Grand Champion Market Lamb In Pueblo!
After deciding to start our own livestock magazine during the National Western Stock Show, we came up with these sketches and layouts on our laptop. They were the first ideas we had for our new publication! We thought about using Rocky Mountain in the title at one point, Colorado & Wyoming’s Livestock Magazine or Colorado’s Jr. Livestock Magazine. After our first two issues, we knew it had to be a national livestock magazine. By July 2015 we dropped Jr. Livestock Magazine from our logo and simply go by The Showtimes. Some of these features are still in The Showtimes today including Now and Then, Upcoming Shows and In The News!
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