Jan/Feb 2025 Stock Show Edition


intern with Indiana State Department of Agriculture. Kylie served as President of the National Junior Dorset Association and was member of the National Tunis Sheep, American Hampshire Sheep, American Shropshire, American Southdown and Natural Colored Wool Growers Associations. In addition, she served as secretary for Indiana FFA Association. She has been a successful member of the K-State Livestock Judging Team and National Champion Meat Animal Evaluation team as well judged for Lincoln Land College. Kylie will graduate in May 2025 with a degree in Agricultural Communications and Journalism and has a career goal of media relations for the agricultural industry to impact policy initiatives through an organization like American Farm Bureau Federation. Abby Scholz West Texas A&M University She is an Agriculture Ambassador for student recruitment and a student worker for the scholarship and internship coordinator for West Texas A&M

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. She also helped in coordinating the Buff Branding Cattle Show contest. Abby served as a logistics intern for Cargill in Amarillo and a cattle clerk intern at Magnum Feedyard in Wiggins, CO. She also worked with Cattle ID to capture video for facial recognition technology. Abby is host and creator of a podcast, Limitless with Abby Scholz, where and Tri-State Fair Livestock Judging she interviews WT faculty and students, industry experts and peers. She received the Outstanding Agriculture Student and Ag Business Student at Northeastern Junior College. She was also an Ambassador and Collegiate Farm Bureau Club member. She has been a livestock judging team and meat animal evaluation team member at West Texas A&M and judged livestock at Northeastern. She was a member of a high school FFA team that was named the state champion Nebraska FFA Livestock Evaluation Team. Abby will graduate from West Texas A&M in May 2025 with a degree in Agriculture Media and Communication and then plans to pursue

a career in the feedlot industry coupled with professional speaking. Kyle Vahlenkamp Texas Tech University Kyle is a Davis College Dean’s Gold Scholar and an Ag Council Representative. He has been heavily involved with research, spending 3 semesters with undergraduate research in feedlot nutrition and 2 semesters with research in swine nutrition. He has held an internship with feedyard management at Friona Industries, research assistant with USDA- ARS, and Superior Farms Sheep Discovery Center in Utah. Kyle has also participated in short- term livestock show internships with the State Fair of Texas, San Angelo and San Antonio as well as being a convention intern with Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association. He was a member of the National Champion Wool Judging Team which won the Denver and Houston contests, and he received All American recognition. He then served as coach of Texas Tech Wool judging team the following year. He has also been a member of a successful livestock

judging and meat animal evaluation teams at Texas Tech. Kyle will graduate in December with a degree in Animal Science and a minor in Agricultural Business. He plans to continue his education through a Master of Science and Ph.D. programs in Ruminant Nutrition specializing in the feedlot nutrition to become a consulting nutritionist. The judges for the All-American Team are current or former university administrators from across the country. The judges included Dr. Mark McCann, former Assistant Dean for Extension at the University of Georgia; Dr. Jim Heird, former Dean at Colorado State University and former professor at Texas A&M University, Dr. James Kinder, previous Department Chair, professor, and former coach at The Ohio State University; Dr. Bill Able, former coach at Kansas State and Department Chair at Mississippi State University and Dr. Maynard Hogberg, a former Department Chair at Michigan State and Iowa State Universities. ●

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