Jan/Feb 2025 Stock Show Edition



BULLS | BRED & FANCY OPEN HEIFERS | PEN BULL SALE Hereford, Angus, Charolais, Simmental, Gelbvieh, Limousin, Red Angus, Maine Anjou, Chianina, Shorthorn, AOB, AYC Bred Heifers WEDNESDAY FEB 19 Breed Shows THURSDAY FEB 20 Breed Sales FRIDAY FEB 21 Pen Heifer Sale

MOE HIGH ROLLER 5L Coming two-year-old Polled Hereford bull sired by CH High Roller 756ET. Big footed & sound as a cat. Will sire easy fleshing calves that’ll grow.

MOE CONQUER 1L ET True herd bull prospect out of SR Dominate 308F ET & tremendous donor, VinMar Mallory 544. Donor dam is a Hometown 10Y female.

HH E42 0104 TRADESMAN 42ET Polled Hereford bull sired by BR GKB Trending 0104. Stout, big boned to produce a tremendous set of steers. You’ll want to keep all his heifers.

MOELLER BEAR 8 Coming two-year-old Angus bull. Calving ease sire that will add pounds at weaning.

XXB GOOD TIMES 204 Angus bull sired by STAG Good Times 201 ET. Double digit calving ease & great EPDs.

LAFRAISE COOL CRUSH 253 True cow man’s bull here! Royally bred. Sired by Cool Dot. Performance packed pedigree.

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RYBACK Charolais feature sired by CCC WC Resource 417P. Sire has produced several top selling bulls across the US.

LAFRAISE KEYNOTE 263 Polled Charolais bull sired by RBM Keystone H41 out of powerhouse dam that’s produced many ring champs. Will add style and pounds to calves.

XXB IFYKYK Balancer bull sired by XXB Block Party. Polled bull that will add style and performance.

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NebraskaClassic.org Ronette Bush-Heinrich | O: 308-627-7309 | C: 308-627-6385 | COMPLETE DETAILS JUNIOR FANCY HEIFER & PROSPECT STEER SALE | FRIDAY, FEB 21 Enroll in the AWARD program. Over $24,000 back to youth! Opportunities


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