Jan/Feb 2025 Stock Show Edition


My name is Sloane Curtin and I am from Oxford, Iowa. This past week my heifer was crowned as the Champion Maine-Anjou and Supreme Overall Jr. Show Heifer at the 2024 NAILE. My heifer, BKMT Lucky Stars was bred by Buck Cattle Co and Morton Cattle Co and purchased from Boyert-Core Show Cattle. There really are no words to describe what it felt like to win such a prestige show. My family and I consider NAILE to be the Super Bowl of all cattle shows in the United States. My siblings, Brooklyn and Tanner also both showed here throughout the Junior careers with our best placing as a Reserve Breed Champion in 2017. We have been very fortunate to exhibit elite cattle throughout the years with great success, but we hit the jackpot with Debbie. The story behind the name Debbie is simple. Deb Core (1/2 of the Core in Boyert-Core) is a highly respected and influential woman in the show cattle industry and most particularly to our family. Since we were young, she has always been someone my family has looked up and held a tremendous amount of respect for. She has always been that friendly smile in the show arena and someone that has always offered words of encouragement and praise to our entire Family. The choice was simple, she had to be named Debbie. Debbie was green when we first got her, but with time and patience she has continued to grow into the Elite Show heifer we knew she could be. She was 3rd overall at the Iowa State Fair, and Champion Maine-Anjou and Open Supreme Female at the Kansas City Royale. Already feeling

blessed with our recent success, we went to Louisville hopeful but also with caution knowing we would be competing with the best heifers in the industry. Lucky for us, Debbie looked better and better every time we dressed her. After being selected Champion Maine Anjou there was a sense of relief. I won my breed, and I was going to be lucky enough to compete in the Supreme Overall Junior show. We headed up to the ring and everyone was excited. We didn’t have any expectations for the drive. I was just thankful for the opportunity to walk on the green chips one more time. As I waited for them to announce my name to enter the ring, Jared Boyert gave me some advice. “Don’t’ be nervous. Enjoy the moment!” When I was picked Supreme, I put my hand on my chest and almost dropped to my knees. I didn’t know what to do expect cry and smile and wait what seemed like an eternity for my family and crew to join me in the ring. I hugged everyone and our whole family was flooded with emotion. My Grandpa Pat has passed, but he loved Louisville and thought there was always something extra special about the green chips. Showing Cattle is a privilege. My parents have sacrificed a lot so that we can show cattle at a national level. We do it as a family, and that is why it means so much. I will cherish this moment forever. I could not be more thankful for Debbie and the opportunity the Boyert-Core crew has provided for me. ●

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