we would ever get to show him. As a result we never got to take him to a show before Louisville. The months before the show I spent countless hours in the barn working on him and practicing showing in order to prepare him to be used to a show ring atmosphere as I knew he would be at a disadvantage going to a show of that size as his first outing. This was a real challenge as a he was a steer that was always scared of anything new and had a stubborn attitude. The show at Louisville itself was also different for our family as my sister Payton was Judging in the 4-H judging Contest and because of the rules in place she could not be in the barns with us. As Payton has always been there to support me and offer help whenever it was needed it was hard to imagine her not being there to help me fit or wish me luck before I went in the ring. Show day was also very hectic as I was showing sheep in the other barn and hoping the show would get done in time for me to go
get my
steer ready. Louisville has become a very special show for me as I was 3rd Overall Market Lamb in 2022 and this was my first win with a market
animal at a nation show. It’s hard to put into words how it feels to accomplish a goal you’ve been working towards your whole life, between all the hours in the barn, miles traveled with your family, and the abundant lessons you’ve learned put into one moment and memory that will last a lifetime, especially at a show of this magnitude knowing each exhibitor has equally put in the same effort to make a show that competitive. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the people that have helped me get here. While every person has their crew I wouldn’t trade mine for the world. I couldn’t ask for a more supportive family and without their help in the barn, important lessons they’ve taught me, or the work ethic, determination, and dedication they’ve instilled in me I could have never dreamed of the things I’ve been blessed to accomplish. There’s so many people that play a role in a day like that coming together I’d like to thank the Guyer family, Jason Stanton, and Tyler Lee. As well as our crew Riley Jansen, Raymond Gonnet, Justin Click, and Kevin and Nattee Bremer that have always shown up to help my sister and I whenever it’s needed.
I will never forget the feeling I had that day on the green shavings after being selected as the Champion Steer and being surrounded by all of my family and friends who were there to help and support me. ●
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