Nov Dec 2020 Year End Edition

y name is Kylar Lee. I grew up in a small

town called Burlington

in East Central Kansas. I am currently a Sophomore at Northern Oklahoma College pursuing a degree in AgBusiness. I plan to continue my education and judging career in Senior College. The feeling I felt when they announced my name as High

Individual was a feeling that is indescribable, but never

forgotten. By nature, I am a very competitive person and winning is something I thoroughly enjoy. I have spent more times losing rather than winning, but the feeling it gives you is something unreplaceable. There have been many influential people who have played huge roles in many different ways to help mold my life. Those people know who they are, and I will forever owe them for the things they have taught me. My future from a Senior College, find the job I love, marry my wonderful girlfriend and continue to keep pushing to be as good of a person as I can while raising and selling good livestock. I have already started applying the skills I have gained from judging in my everyday life. If you allow it, judging will teach you way more than just sorting four animals in a class and giving eight sets of reasons. It will teach you discipline, how to think thoroughly and quickly, keep your priorities right, teach you how to be mentally tough and give you networks for anything you want to do in life. Given these assets my team and judging has taught me, when applied to many goals consist of continuing to grow my current operation, KWL ShowStock, obtain my degree things, will allow me to be successful in my everyday life. Plus, judging blesses you with a team that is family and allows you to be with other intelligent, like-minded humans. I have been given a lot of great advice by some of the industry’s best. This quote always hits home though, “No matter the situation, never let your emotions overpower your intelligence.” •


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