August 2024 State Fair Edition

to look at. After that we should probably talk about masculinity and muscle. We sure like a steer that’s wide based, big topped, good in their forerib, and that offers some real product in a way that is still eye appealing and attractive. With that being said, we have to talk about THE LOOK. That side view profile or that super cool 3/4 rear side view shot from 20 feet away is what gets us all! So to conclude or finish the build on our perfect steer, we would have to say that our perfect steer would have to have that cookie cutter outline that features some length and extension up through his front end along with length of side , some depth of rib, the other traits we have mentioned above and just and overall killer look! FOUR WHAT IS THE BEST PART ABOUT JUDGING ALONGSIDE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE? We have been married 28 years and for that length of time we have worked together almost everyday with cattle and it has been an absolute blessing to do so. Judging together at a show together with the caliber of livestock that also carries the prestige of the Illinois state fair is a blessing and a privilege for the both of us. At home it seems like our opinions always seem to compliment each other and that is something that also spills in to our cattle selection practices in and out of the ring. It’s always a blessings doing what you love with

your best friend. Nothing more rewarding! FIVE WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FAIR FOOD? Travis’ favorite food at every state fair would have to be the ribeye sandwiches at any state fair beef booth. For Beth it would most definitely be funnel cakes with extra powdered sugar! SIX WHERE DO YOU SEE THE LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY IN TEN YEARS? We both see the livestock industry continuing to flourish ten years from now. Our reasoning for this is on a day to day basis we are blessed to see the quality of young people that rural America continues to churn out. These are young people that still share the core values of God, family, importance of honoring your commitments, and taking care of the land. It’s our belief that we still have not seen the greatest generation yet. It’s thrilling to think about the new ideas and practices that will continue to be adopted in the years to come. SEVEN DOES YOUR CHAMPION STEER HAVE TO BE A CERTAIN WEIGHT? Great question, but we are not about to get ourselves pushed in to a corner today! At the forefront of our decision making will be picking out highest quality, total package steer that we can find.

took us under their wing and really teach and mentor us along the way. Two people within the industry that had an enormous impact on who we are today would have to be Bill Couch and Jim Williams. Whether it was things about life, showing cattle, marketing cattle, or selecting cattle those two men have played a major role in where we are today and we appreciate them! TEN THIS IS WHY I SHOW... First and foremost, the people! We love our stock show family and even though we compete hard at times there is not another group of people anywhere that will be there for each other like our stock show family! Also there is nothing better than being around stock show youth. We love the young people! Secondly, it’s our life and our passion! We love the lifestyle. Working with animals, the outdoors, the travel, the people, etc. ●

EIGHT WHAT IS SOMETHING THAT MOST PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW ABOUT YOU? To offer a little information about our past, Beth grew up in a little town called Stamping Ground, Kentucky. Her family were into raising and marketing Limousin cattle in a big way. Travis was born and raised where we currently reside near Fairview, OK. His family cattle operation consisted of registered Angus cattle. In 1998 we moved from Kentucky back to Oklahoma and took over the operation of our family ranch in Oklahoma. We have two great sons Bret 15 and Bryson 10 that contribute heavily to the day-to-day operations of Pembrook Cattle. One thing we would want people to know about us is that we attribute all of our successes in life to our Christian beliefs and our faith in God. We have been truly blessed to be able to make our living in the cattle industry! NINE WHO HAVE HAD THE BIGGEST INFLUENCE ON YOU AS PEOPLE? We would first have to say our parents. Our parents were so great at providing us so many opportunities as we grew up and most importantly giving us a firm foundation to live by. We have both also been blessed to have industry greats that


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