August 2024 State Fair Edition


The steer that started it all. Our first big win was the 2004 Colorado State Fair with my steer Buckeye. I can’t believe this August marks twenty years since that day. Not only would Buckeye become the logo of The Showtimes featured in the “O” as well as our shield, he would allow us to make the connections to what would lead to The Showtimes Magazine you are reading today. The steer came from Kirk Roecker/Kirk Stierwalt. Adam Pryor who was with us in Pueblo that year is an advertiser in this issue you are reading. One of our biggest competitors was the Vickland family. They are also an advertiser in this issue. It is really cool to see how people we met back then are still part of our life today! We would go on to win the Colorado State Fair Steer Show again in 2007 and 2010 as well as Reserve in 2009. Today, we are no longer showing steers but still use our competitive nature to bring you the best magazine possible. The August 2024 issue is one of our favorites to date and our largest of the year at 608 pages! Inside this issue you will find Show Results from all of the Junior Nationals! We’ve included Faces and Places from shows across the country including our trips to Springfield, MO and Tulsa, OK for Maine/Chi and Simmental Junior Nationals! We love to include our Beyond the Backdrop articles from exhibitors that win the shows. This issue

we’ve included more than ever with 15! The Showtimes Hall of Fame was established in 2009 to recognize the

many outstanding poeple and families in our industry. This issue we’re inducting Beth Ann McDermott and the Tlach Family. Congratulations to these outstanding members! We would like to thank every advertiser for making this issue what it is. The Showtimes wouldn’t be what it is without your continued support! We are getting ready to head out on our State Fair Tour! Look for us at the shows putting out magazines, taking photos and videoing the best State Fairs in the country! We hope you enjoy the August 2024 State Fair Edition of The Showtimes!

AUG 2024


Good luck at the State Fairs!

Brian J. Reid, Owner/Editor

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