a long time with my dad. Typically, a couple eye bats and a grin go a long way when it comes to persuading him.” Jeff: “I have the utmost respect for Jennifer’s read on livestock. I have learned to be a better listener as I have matured whether that be as a father, a husband, a livestock judge or an ag professional. I don’t anticipate there will be too many disagreements about the evaluation of the cattle but perhaps with where we might place our priorities. Those conversations are the ones I look forward to the most and those are the conversations I where I will learn the most from my daughter and this judging experience.” SEVEN WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ASPECT OF JUDGING? Jennifer: “I just enjoy watching and looking at good cattle. My Walton’s account stays active throughout the year because I’ll be listening/ watching cow shows. It’s just enjoyable for me looking at stock.” Jeff: “I always look forward to having the “best seat in the house” to evaluate the livestock. As I mentioned previously, my earliest memories as child are those of judging the value or quality of livestock so just the process of evaluation to me is exciting and fulfilling. I also find that judging livestock shows validates my confidence in the future of the agriculture industry
from the interaction it provides between me as a judge and the great young leaders that the livestock industry produces!” EIGHT IF YOU COULD MEET ANY PERSON AND ASK THEIR ADVICE, WHO WOULD IT BE? Jennifer: “I’ve already met the person I’d ask, they just don’t have phone lines in Heaven, yet. I’d love to sit down with my oldest brother, Jared, and twist his ear about cows. He was beyond his years, 11 years ago, and I would love to hear what he has to think about the changes we’ve seen in cattle.” Jeff: “As I pray, I ask for his forgiveness and guidance” NINE WHAT IS A SHOW DAY RITUAL YOU HAVE WHEN YOU ARE JUDGING? Jennifer: “Easy. Starbucks coffee and Jesus music.” Jeff: “I like to have a good breakfast with a cup of coffee and an orange juice. I pick up a pack of chewing gum and turn off my phones for the day.” TEN THIS IS WHY I SHOW... Jennifer: “Family. It’s as simple as that. We show for our family, the ones blood related and the ones who we chose. I can’t wait to raise my kids in this industry and share with them the knowledge that my grandpa, brothers, dad, mom, fiancé and industry leaders have all shared with me. My circle
would be so much smaller had I not been blessed with my family’s established involvement in the cattle industry. God places us in the environments to allow for us to grow His kingdom. He knew that we would Jeff: “At this time, we don’t show to the extent we once did. When we chose to show, we show to be competitive, to share with others what our program represents, but mostly to enjoy the fellowship with other cattlemen and cattlewomen. Our extended family of livestock people have helped to hold us up through some very difficult times. It is an
absolute privilege to get to visit with and interact with the like-minded livestock folks we love at a livestock show.” ●
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