August 2024 State Fair Edition


cow shows, and to take those steps evaluating the breed of cattle that shaped me into the person I am, was a true honor. The Shorthorn Association and the people in it are our family. My grandparents and parents were there and I was standing in the ring with people in the breed who mean the world to me. It was a humbling and worthwhile experience.” Jeff: “As I consider this answer, I can’t help but have a flood of great judging memories. My International and National show experiences are obviously many that I reflect on as some of my favorites. Judging the Shorthorn Junior Nationals with my oldest son Jared

where in our top 5 owned females, 4 of them became breed leading donors in subsequent years. Judging a Jackpot show in western Oklahoma with Jennifer also is among some of my fondest memories and part of the reason I enthusiastically look forward to judging with her at the Illinois State Fair.” FIVE HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE PERFECT BREEDING HEIFER? Jennifer: “Everyone’s ideal or “perfect” breeding heifer is going to be different. I think it’s important that we continuously prioritize functionality and structure in our breeding cattle. What I consider perfect can vary, even with my dad’s ideal, but one thing we’ll always

agree on is prioritizing those two traits. I just like good cattle. Whether or not they meet that “perfect” cutout or not, if they’re good structured and functional, they’ll be ideal for me.” different version of what they feel would be perfect or ideal female. We will evaluate many breeds and composites of breeds that will create a lot of variations from breed to breed. Jeff: “Every cattleman I know has a slightly Jennifer and I have never tried to make each breed look like another. The individual trait strengths that each breed offers often times lends them to a uniqueness that should be recognized and appreciated.

It is that individuality of each breed that allows them to add value to the beef business through heterosis. It is my belief that regardless of their breed, those that are more nearly “perfect” are consistently sound structurally and physiologically. For me, their maturity and calendar age must be in tandem, they will have an undeniable presence of strength when moving as well as being attractive phenotypically, and maternally oriented.” SIX IF YOU BOTH DISAGREE WITH A CERTAIN PLACING, HOW WILL YOU CONVINCE THE OTHER? Jennifer: “I think I came into this world ready for a good argument and I’ve been getting my way for

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