August 2024 State Fair Edition

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28 About Us 34 From The Editor 36 From Our Readers 38 In The News 97 Quote 136 Faces and Places:

148 Faces and Places: Gelbvieh 172 Flashback: WI 176 The Big Picture 183 Hall of Fame 252 Flashback: IA 260 The Power of Print 264 Faces and Places: Charolais

298 Flashback: Colorado 362 Flashback:

556 Recipe 562 Sale Directory 576 Message: The Greatest Mentor 582 Upcoming Events 583 Upcoming Judges

Ohio 487 On The Cover 490 You Are Showtimes 532 Church Sign 542 Flashback: IN

California State Fair 140 Flashback: IL

Sullivan Cattle Company Design: The Showtimes

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