August 2024 State Fair Edition

2024, full sibs out of ‘Helen’ that she campaigned in 2020. So much of the success that has been found wouldn’t have come without help from those they have worked with and bought heifers from. The people that have helped the Tlachs find success are numerous but without a doubt Willie Weis has done so much to help them connect with the right breeders and find the cattle and genetics that are now going on and proving themselves as cows. Although the Maine Anjou breed has always been a focus for their family, Jenna developed a love for Charolais cattle and has exhibited them with great success. Jenna and Abby both have a great cow base filled with great genetics that they are excited to continue to build upon. Last year at the Iowa State Fair, the Tlachs raised three heifers in the 4-H breeding heifer final drive, with one being shown by Abby and the others shown by the 4-Hers who purchased them. Two of those were eventually named as part of the top 5, including Abby’s Maine Angus, ‘Maggie’. It was a humbling day to see that success for the whole family. As the sun sets on the girls’ junior career, Abby still had one thing she wanted to try to accomplish. Abby’s passion to show on the market side of the ring never really stopped after her market heifer, Mollie. Abby showed a market heifer that she raised in 2023 and that seemed to stoke the fire to feed a steer. It caused her to continue to ask Barry one more time about showing a steer. He finally caved and they went on the hunt for a steer. Many miles and hours spent looking lead them to great people once again and a calf named--‘Sticks’. ‘Sticks’ made his debut at the Down for the Cause followed by the Iowa Beef Expo, where he was named Champion Market Animal. Since that show it has been a journey to find success in a new realm. With an attitude of


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