August 2024 State Fair Edition

My oldest Dexter mainly showed cattle and tried his hand at sheep and pigs a few times also. Dexter was more into the farming, cow/ calf operation and helping break his sibling’s calves. Dexter showed all over the state of Iowa, Kansas City and Aksarben. He showed several breed champion steers at the Iowa State Fair also. He has his mom’s love of shorthorns and is raising them today. Dexter was always our support at home that made sure the farm kept going whilst we were gone showing livestock and couldn’t have done it without him. Morgan showed cattle, pigs and tried sheep also, but didn’t care for them quite as much. Morgan’s first year showing at the American Royal, mom and three kids went down with no expectations. We fed and watered the steer like normal. Not thinking about a certain weight or class we ended up in Division 3 with I think a 1485#plus steer. Needless to say, we were there to decorate the stall for Halloween and have treats for the kids for trick or treating. Show day came and Morgan ended up winning Division 3 with a big ShorthornPlus steer and a tiny little girl. I think walking down the tunnel past the rodeo stock at Kansas City for the selection of the Grand Champion Steer, was one of my coolest memories. The atmosphere was just awesome. Morgan also showed the Reserve overall Breeding Gilt in the FFA

show at the Iowa State Fair and was Reserve one year in the Governor Steer show and Champion another. She also had the Champion Maine Steer in 2012 and was 5th overall. Walker is my youngest and was in everything. He had success with pigs and showed the Champion Heavyweight gilt at the Iowa State Fair. He showed sheep for many years with several class winners, and had a ewe that won our county fair and the Best in the West Showdown. He has shown cattle all over just like his siblings and had much success. He was Supreme Bred Heifer at the Kansas Beef Expo, Nebraska State Fair, along with several Breed Champion honors. He was 5th overall heifer at the Iowa State Fair FFA breeding heifer show and was champion steer at the Governors steer show also. Walker served on the National Angus Board and made it to the finals in Showmanship where he was awarded 2nd overall. I won’t mention names of those that have influenced me as I know I would forget someone, but I thank God and my Mom everyday that I get to do what I love and I hope I can continue to give back as much as I can. I have had several people lately say that if you are at a youth event with livestock, Beth won’t be far behind volunteering. I guess when you are doing something that you love and inspires you, keep doing it. My advice to others, is no one


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