August 2024 State Fair Edition


can instill in them a strong work ethic, responsibility, and a love for farming. If they choose to pursue showing livestock in the future, they will have a solid foundation and valuable experience to guide them. As well as understand the importance of relationships, with the land, with people, with animals and with what they are passionate about. THREE WHO HAS HAD THE BIGGEST INFLUENCE ON YOU AS A PERSON? I have so many that have had a huge impact on my life. My first one is my entire family we challenged ourselves to be better and to never settle. Next is someone that I truly miss, Jarold Calhan. He was always one of the hardest critics and silent cheerleaders. He impacted my livestock pursuits in so many ways and made me want to be better… so to get his approval judging a show, that always made me want to be a respected evaluator of livestock.

I get excited. It’s a blessing that people still want my opinion on livestock and being able to stay in the mix, evaluate cattle, be around the industry and the people is important to me. SIX IF SOMEONE TOLD 18-YEAR-OLD AMANDA SCHNOOR THAT SHE WOULD ONE DAY BE JUDGING THE TOP CATTLE SHOWS IN THE COUNTRY, WHAT WOULD SHE SAY? I would say nothing because of disbelief and that’s because back then there weren’t many women judging shows and living on the west coast puts us at a disadvantage. Therefore 18-year-old me would blushingly laugh and now 18-year-old me should be really proud. SEVEN IF YOU COULD MEET AND HAVE DINNER WITH ANY PERSON, WHO WOULD IT BE? Jesus. I would love to sit down and just thank him for the doors open, and the life he has blessed me with. The sacrifices he made

so I could live this life is immeasurable. EIGHT WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ASPECT OF JUDGING? Kids. Working with young people and seeing them do what they love makes me more excited to judge shows. NINE WHAT DO YOU EAT FOR BREAKFAST BEFORE YOU JUDGE? Coffee… I don’t eat, I just have a fancy coffee. TEN THIS IS WHY I SHOW.... Love for agriculture and kids. That one time I can talk to a kid in the ring for 20 seconds, I hope I can have an impact on their life like so many judges had on mine. The impact people can make not only on the industry but the world from the individuals in this line of work/passion/hobby whatever you want to call it, is unexplainable. ●

FOUR YOU ARE JUDGING STEERS AT WISCONSIN AND COLORADO AS WELL AS HEIFERS AT IOWA THIS SUMMER. HOW WILL YOU GET PREPARED TO JUDGE EACH SHOW? First of all, walking! You think chasing around three kids would do the trick but being physically and mentally in shape is important. But I think my biggest thing is being somewhat removed from the show aspect of the industry, I need to keep my mind fresh and evaluations true to my liking. I always try to keep to myself, not let the noise get in the way of what I like to do and why I like to do it. FIVE WHAT HAVE BEEN SOME OF YOUR MOST MEMORABLE JUDGING MOMENTS? Every time I am asked it’s humbling. The last 3 years I have had to say no or just couldn’t make it to judge because of having children. But, now anytime the phone rings for a show


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