August 2021 State Fair Edition

next heifer that sticks out to me would be Tequila her success included, Champion Low Simmental in Kansas City, Third Overall Chi at the Chi and Maine Junior Nationals, and Supreme Champion Heifer at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. I had accomplished and been blessed with so much, especially at such a young age. I could not wait for the years to come; however, I did not realize how much would change in just a matter of months. The summer to follow the big win in Houston was life changing and crazy. I was eleven years old and going to be a sixth grader when my parents decided to get a divorce. That summer we

and still managed to help us it just wasn’t the same, however my family and I had to find the new normal. Fast forward a couple of years, 2021 to be exact, I decided to quit playing sports and show heifers and steers. I am very accident prone, in the period of one year I got twenty x-rays, ten MRIs, dislocated both my knee caps, fractured

my elbow, dislocated

my shoulder, and had knee surgery to put a graft in to help with the dislocation, so like any sane person, who

moved to Hereford and due to the divorce had to take a year off of showing. In all honesty, I never knew if I was going to be able to go back to the lifestyle of showing. During this year off I realized how passionate I am about the cattle industry and showing. I have never questioned if my heart was there while showing but I never realized how big my love was for it until it was taken. My grandpa, Bob Beville who sadly passed

does not want to be in pain all the time, I chose to show steers and heifers. With this decision meant Tony, Brandy, and I were all in. Tony and Brandy got me 4 heifers, Jojo, Grand Champion Maintainer, Dot, Grand Champion Composite Chi, Jackie, Third Overall Division 4 Chi, and Tim, who sadly got hurt right before Junior Nationals. This long process leading up to Junior Nationals


away, loved this industry more than most and could not bear to see his grandkids miss out on the experiences and lessons learned that come with this industry and showing. During this time, he owned a feed yard in Hereford that had a barn on it. With the help of Tony and Brandy Jeffs and Seth Hammermeister my siblings and I were able to come back and show steers after the year off. The first year back was hard to say the least. Up until this point, I had always had help doing everything. Not having Tony, Brandy, and Seth there every day at the barn for questions, help, and order in the barn affected me tremendously. They were miles away

consisted of taking them to shows everywhere we could. As the week of Junior Nationals kept getting closer and

closer, my nerves were getting worse and

worse. The week of Junior Nationals was stressful to say the least. Due to all the work and time that Tony and Brandy had put in with

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