August 2021 State Fair Edition

GOET Miss Worthy Style-Red Thunder

Purchased embryos from Denver’s Embryos on the Snow Sale on Udell's Red Thunder Cow This is the first show heifer that Spencer picked out of the heifer crop by himself. He was a big fan of hers in the pasture at like 2 months old and had already "spoken" for her before she was even day weaned. When we day weaned the group of calves for the September sale at the end of July, he would not let anyone work on her but him and little Baylor (a 4-year-old). He was supposed to be working on his 4-H state fair heifers, but several times we couldn't find him, and he was in the pen of 30 calves with a halter, catching Worthy and leading her to the wash rack to work on. So, he really has loved her from day 1. He named her Worthy with a specific purpose- he said it was because "she is Worthy of Winning and to him Worth a Million." Winning Junior Nationals this year obviously has been his dream for a long time, but it has been since he was 1 year old that it been a family dream. Spence was toted around in a wagon when he went to his first junior nationals and for several years, he was in the stands just watching, but always cheering on his cousins, and helping with their heifers. He showed at his first junior nationals in Hutchinson, Kansas. But this Junior Nationals will not ever be forgotten. While he loves showing cattle, Spen- cer also loves showing Meat goats. He names his goats every year after his favorite or the best football players. His other passion is playing and watching football. his favorite teams are The Ohio State and Tennessee Titans. •


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