1 6oz Box Orange Jello 1 5oz Box instant Vanilla Pudding 1 20oz Can Pineapple Tidbits drained (do not use Fresh Pineapple) 1 15oz Can Mandarin Oranges drained 1 8oz tub Cool Whip thawed
Add drained pineapple and mandarin oranges to a large dish. Make the Orange Jello following the box directions minus ½ cup of water and pour over the prepared fruit. Place in fridge and leave to set completely. In another bowl make the instant vanilla pudding according to box instructions minus ½ cup of Milk and place in the fridge to set completely as well. Once everything is set in a large bowl gently break up the Jello with a spoon. Fold in the Pudding and Cool Whip gently as to not break up the Jello too much. Chil until Ready to eat and Enjoy! Can also be made with different flavored Jello or fruit!
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