March/April 2025 Sire Edition



2025 SHOWTIMES DENVER INTERNS The Showtimes had a great time with our 2025 Showtimes Denver Interns and awarded them $4,000 in Scholarships! Our week one interns got to enjoy a Colorado Avalanche vs Edmonton, Oilers Hocky Game, while our week two interns got to go to Shanahan’s Steak House where they held the Lombardi trophy! Thank you Maggie McStay, Tori Crisp, Lacy Brinegar, Kara Nelson, Ava Noonan and Cora Sullivan! 2025 BLACKOUT INTERNS The Showtimes held Blackout Jackpot 9 in Loveland, Colorado February 27 - March 2, 2025 at The Ranch! Not only did we hold a Steer, Heifer and Market Heifer Jackpot, we hosted our Livestock Judging Contest and Combine! Our Interns helped setup, run the show and tear down! It was a great week! Thank you Sydney Stalee, Sadie Goettl, Madeline Adamic, Katleen Morelas, Cate Schlagel, Ashton Willis and Aftyn Kawcak for helping make Blackout Jackpot 9 the most electrifying show of the year!

The Showtimes awarded $10,500 in Scholarships at the Blackout Jackpot 9! Scholarships winners were Alizabeth Quick, Peter Groseta, Berren Strope, Troy Lindquist, Tessa Delmore, Trista Lebsack, Camden Brown and all of our Interns! Thank you to our interview committee, the winning bid on the Stall Bid-Off, Stafford Brothers and everyone who applied! #YouAreShowtimes


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