Huntington County Cattlemen ’ s 41st Annual Preview Steer & Heifer Show This will be an IJBCA Indiana ’ s Finest Sanctioned Show • Two Rings * Double Points * • Saturday, March 15, 2025 • Huntington County Fairgrounds
Whitley County Steer & Heifer Show is on Sunday, March 16, 2025. * Only 25 minutes north of Huntington * Call 260-625-3313 for more information
631 E. Taylor St, Huntington, Indiana (map on back) • Entry Fee - $100 both rings; $50 one ring Showmanship Fee - $10 per ring Showmanship Classes will be last. All registrations must be done through: showman.app There will be no cash/check payments. All entries must be paid via: showman.app RULES - All Calves 1. Cattle check - in will be Friday, March 14 from 4 - 7 p.m. & Saturday, March 15 from 7 - 8 a.m. 2. Paid entry must be completed, via the Showman app, prior to checking in. 3. The show starts at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 15. 4. Cattle outside of Indiana must have current health papers. 5. Class size will not exceed 10 head. 6. Market animals will be shown by breed & declared weight (scales will be open for your convenience). 7. Heifers shown by age and breeds; Commercial by declared weight. 8. Show order: Heifers show first in alphabetical order by breed, commercials following purebreds. 9. No pumping or artificial filling allowed. 10. Committee reserves the right to evaluate any animal for breed.
Both Rings Steer & Heifer A Grand Champion - $500 Reserve Grand - $400 Third Place - $300
4th Place - $200 5th Place - $100
JUDGES: Tucker Schlipf Tyler Bush Follow us on Facebook at
Huntington County Cattlemen ’ s Preview Steer & Heifer Show
H / A P R I L 20 25
FOR MORE INFORMATION BRIAN SPICE - 260 - 355 - 0249 ROBERT MAUTZ - 260 - 358 - 6787 KYLE FELTON - 260 - 224 - 2899 EXTENSION OFFICE - 260 - 358 - 4826
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