March/April 2022 Sire Edition



THROTTLED UP: Show-Rite® Throttled Up is a high-energy, high-fat complete feed formulated to maximize show cattle performance and provide the “bloom” and smooth finish needed to “go for the purple.” Protein: 12% Fat: 4.0% Fiber 8.0% CRUISER: Show-Rite Cruiser is a high-fiber, complete growing feed formulated to achieve frame and muscle growth while maintaining “bloom.” Cruiser can also be used to maintain “bloom” in market cattle once they have achieved the desired level of finish. Protein: 13% Fat: 3% Fiber: 12% HF: Show-Rite® HF is a texturized, low-energy fully fortified feed. It is designed to give show cattle the ideal show ring condition while maintaining freshness and adding rib shape and body volume. Protein: 11% Fat: 2% Fiber: 19% BEEF NUTRIBASE 400 A PLUS: Show-Rite® Beef NutriBase 400 A Plus combines the winning formulation of the Show-Rite beef program with the latest nutritional technologies from Alltech in a concentrate that allows customers to use their own corn, oats and fiber sources to create creep, growing and finishing rations. Protein: 32% Fat: 2% Fiber: 8%



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