May/June 2024 Junior National Edition

to happen. I knew I would be nervous but I tried not to focus on that and just enjoy the experience. There were no guarantees that I would ever get to show in the NRG stadium again. I was first to enter the arena. I thought I knew what it would be like because I’ve gotten to watch my friends so in the stadium and even had a chance to watch from the floor but nothing prepared me for what I felt as I walked out there with Woozy. I was amazed by how many people were in there. I couldn’t help but look high into the stands at all of the people. I’ve never felt anything like it. I kept my eyes on the judge as he was walking up and down the row of champions. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing as started walking closer and closer to me and Woozy. He pointed right at me and slapped Woozy. We had won. I was pure joy. I had worked for this since I was 8 years old. My hard work had paid off and one of my dreams had just come true. As we walked out of the arena, I could see my Dad and our stock show friends cheering. They had the biggest smiles on their faces. My dad hugged me so hard he almost tackled me but it was great. As we walked back into the stalls I got to see my mom, sister and the rest of my family and friends. My grandparents, and some of my aunts, uncles, and my cousin were all there waiting for me. Also waiting for me was Jett, his parents and the rest of my best stock show friends. It was amazing to share that moment with them. I’m incredibly grateful

for everyone that helped me get to this achievement and I thank God for allowing me to be in this position. It has been an incredible weekend and its hard to find words to say what it means to me. Showing has always been and will always be part of my life. It’s what my family does. The families that we have shown with year after year have become like family to me. We may not get to see each other all of the time but I have known most of them my whole life and when we see each other at the next show we pick up right where we left off. Stock showing is hard work. It is full of highs and lows and lots of intense of emotions. It is hard to explain but your show friends get it. Unlike other competitions where you’re trying to win against someone you’ve never met, when you show you are often competing against your best friends. Also unlike other competitions, you are happy for your friends when they win, even if it means (and it probably does) that you lose. You help each other load and unload equipment, share when you forget to bring something (I have lots of experience with this), cheer each other on and have more fun than you ever thought you could sitting in a stall or in line all night with a trailer. You also get to work with adults that have shown before you and are willing to work with you and teach you when they don’t have to. They become like family too. Growing up in this industry has been the best thing I could ask for.

major. Every show kid has that dream. Everyone also knows how incredibly rare it is to have that happen. There are times you do everything right, you have an amazing calf, you’ve worked hard and for one reason or another, it just doesn’t go your way. But you can’t quit. You learn what you can from the experience and move on to the next one. Because sometimes, it does go your way. Sometimes you get the perfect calf and he grows into a champion and all of your hard work pays off. There really aren’t words to express what this experience has meant to me but I know it is one I will treasure my whole life. ●


It has been a life goal of mine to win Grand Champion at a

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