Huwa_2021 Sale Catalog_8.125x10.8125_ONLINE

BIRTH DATE: 9/25/19 • Bull *19595529 • TATTOO: 9445 82 Huwa 6017 Heritage 9445

Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 Connealy Consensus 7229 DRMCTR 1I1 Rita 6108 Summitcrest Complete 1P55

VAR Heritage 5038 +*18066052 VAR Generation 2100

SJH Complete of 6108 1564

21AR O Lass 7017 Basin Payweight 006S Goode 6I6 Rito 309 GAR Prophet

Huwa 2902 Payweight 6017 +*18512081 Basin Payweight 1682

Goode Prophet 2902

CW MARB RE 68 3% 1.05 10% 0.99 5%

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DOC 6 55% 0.9 40% 83 2% 144 2% 0.32 3% 24 20%

HP CEM MILK MH $M $W $F $G $B $C 12 40% 10 35% 34 5% 0.5 30% 69 25% 98 1% 111 3% 77 3% 188 1% 313 1% CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MB RE FAT TEND 38 15 10 18 70 51 52 29 27 24 20 27 43 10 10 8 44 39 FALL 17 mo BULL – The VAR Heritage bull topped the 2016 Vintage sale and we have used him to create cow families tracing to his powerful dam 1564 and granddam 6108 (one of the top power cows of all time). This young fall bull embraces MULTI- TRAIT EXCELLENCE in his EPD profile. Another that falls in the Top 1% of all Non-Par- ent bulls at $312 $Combination.

Night to Shine- Kylie all dressed up for her big night and looking beautiful

Huwa 733 Heritage 9428 83

BIRTH DATE: 2/2/19 • Bull *19442295 • TATTOO: 9016 Huwa 6058 Paycheck 9016 84

BIRTH DATE: 9/10/19 • Bull +*19595513 • TATTOO: 9428

Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 Connealy Consensus 7229 DRMCTR 1I1 Rita 6108 Summitcrest Complete 1P55

Basin Lucy 3150 Basin Payweight 1682 Basin Trojan Erica 2049 VAR Generation 2100 Baldridge Blackcap T163 GAR-EGL Protege Exar Royal Lass 1067 Rito 6EM3 of 4L1 Emblazon

Basin Paycheck 7013 *18816470 Basin Paycheck 5249

VAR Heritage 5038 +*18066052 VAR Generation 2100

SJH Complete of 6108 1564

Basin Trojan Erica 5290

MCC Miss Focus 134 Boyd New Day 8005 GAR Objective 407 GAR New Design 5050

Gabriel Royal Lass 6058 +*18554574 Baldridge Waylon W34

GAR Daybreak 733 +*17623166 MCC Daybreak

EXAR Royal Lass 3090

GAR 5050 New Design 59

CW MARB RE 77 1% 1.17 4% 1.1 2%

CW MARB RE 55 20% 0.83 20% 0.85 15%

HP CEM MILK MH $M $W $F CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DOC 8 35% 1.4 55% 76 5% 138 3% 0.3 10% 33 1%

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DOC 4 70% 2.5 80% 68 15% 120 20% 0.27 25% 20 35%

$G $B $C

HP CEM MILK MH $M $W $F $G $B $C 13.3 25% 10 35% 34 5% 0.7 15% 62 45% 75 10% 95 20% 62 15% 157 15% 266 15% CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MB RE FAT TEND 76 74 26 27 57 41 14 49 14 28 6 23 34 15 20 13 66 58 TWO-YEAR-OLD BULL – by the Basin bull we bought that was 2nd high selling bull at their sale in 2018 from a Waylon daughter we bought from Garbriel in TX.

10.1 65% 11 25% 30 20% 1 3% 58 55% 82 4% 129 1% 81 2% 210 1% 330 1% CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MB RE FAT TEND 45 58 17 8 79 10 62 3 31 40 22 18 15 6 5 3 61 45 FALL 17 mo BULL – The $C # on this bull “blows away” Top 1% of the breed at $331. As do his full sisters that sell as Lots 103-105. If you want to improve marbling and ribeye at the same time he may be your bull.

HUwa 2755 Phoenix 9102 85

BIRTH DATE: 2/14/20 • Bull *19744136 • TATTOO: 0026 Huwa 7043 Phoenix 0026 86

BIRTH DATE: 3/17/19 • Bull +*19438825 • TATTOO: 9102

Chair Rock 5050 GAR 8086 Connealy In Sure 8524 GAR Daybreak 440 GAR Prophet GAR Objective R227 MCC Daybreak GAR Predestined N429 GAR Prophet

Chair Rock 5050 GAR 8086 Connealy In Sure 8524

GAR Phoenix +*18636106 GAR Sure Fire

GAR Phoenix +*18636106 GAR Sure Fire

GAR Daybreak 440 GAR Prophet

GAR Prophet N744

GAR Prophet N744

Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 GAR Ingenuity

GAR Sunrise 2755 *18333234 GAR Sunrise

Huwa 619 Index 7043 +*18829578 VAR Index 3282

GAR Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28

GAR Prophet 2193

GAR 28 Ambush 619

CW MARB RE 64 5% 0.97 10% 1.22 1%

CW MARB RE 50 30% 1.25 3% 0.65 35%

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DOC 7 45% 3.1 90% 73 10% 131 10% 0.28 15% 28 10%

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DOC 12 10% 0.6 35% 64 25% 122 15% 0.26 30% 24 20%

HP CEM MILK MH $M $W $F $G $B $C 12.2 40% 6 75% 23 65% 0.5 30% 67 30% 67 25% 111 3% 77 3% 188 1% 311 1% CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MB RE FAT TEND 71 92 17 16 75 39 15 7 16 96 82 24 37 13 25 1 23 63 TWO-YEAR-OLD BULL – A full brother to a Phoenix son we sold to Riverbend last year, that was too young for that sale. He is grown up now and ready to add TOP 1% RE yield to feeder cattle. He gets it all done and ends up with a TOP 1% $C so he can make you replacement heifers and “feedin’ cattle”. Stop by some time to see his very “special” full sister.

HP CEM MILK MH $M $W $F $G $B $C 12.8 30% 11 25% 19 90% 0.7 15% 54 65% 58 45% 95 20% 79 3% 173 4% 278 10% CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MB RE FAT TEND 8 25 42 14 91 42 77 18 14 59 94 35 27 44 3 49 78 33 YEARLING BULL – (Heifer Bull) A yearling son of the $130,000 ½ interest GAR Phoenix from Select Sires. His dam is a young daughter of the $100,000 ½ interest VAR Index.


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