Huwa_2021 Sale Catalog_8.125x10.8125_ONLINE

LOTS 50-58 9 Full Brothers Selling

BIRTH DATE: 9/11/19 • Bull +*19595514 • TATTOO: 9429 Huwa 5900 Power Play 9429 50

21AR O Lass 7017 Basin Payweight 006S Riverbend Blackbird 4301 Connealy Onward GAR Objective 1885 CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 GAR 5050 New Design 59 MCC Daybreak

VAR Power Play 7018 +*18717078 Basin Payweight 1682

Sandpoint Blackbird 8809

Huwa 733 Prophet 5900 *18512066 GAR Prophet

GAR Daybreak 733

CW MARB RE 66 4% 1.24 3% 0.99 5%

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DOC 9 30% 1.3 50% 91 1% 157 1% 0.27 25% 27 10%

HP CEM MILK MH $M $W $F $G $B $C 9.4 75% 10 35% 32 10% 0.7 15% 67 30% 101 1% 95 20% 83 2% 178 2% 298 2% CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MB RE FAT TEND 70 84 3 5 100 42 100 19 49 85 31 10 28 13 2 8 74 93 FALL 17 mo BULL – This group of 9 full brothers represent the POWER mating of our 5900 Prophet daughter from our 733 donor cow with the tremendous capacity and performance of VAR Power Play. This lead-off brother is Top 2% for Marbling with a Top 5% for Ribeye and 4% for Carcass Weight along with Top 1% WW & YW. The kind of cattle that make a profit at all points in the production of beef.

Huwa 5900 Power Play 9429 Lot 50

BIRTH DATE: 9/2/19 • Bull +*19595488 • TATTOO: 9403 Huwa 5900 Power Play 9403 51

21AR O Lass 7017 Basin Payweight 006S Riverbend Blackbird 4301 Connealy Onward GAR Objective 1885 CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 GAR 5050 New Design 59 MCC Daybreak

VAR Power Play 7018 +*18717078 Basin Payweight 1682

Sandpoint Blackbird 8809

Huwa 733 Prophet 5900 *18512066 GAR Prophet

GAR Daybreak 733

CW MARB RE 76 1% 1.02 10% 0.89 10%

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DOC 8 35% 1.5 55% 88 1% 154 1% 0.26 30% 22 30%

HP CEM MILK MH $M $W $F $G $B $C 8.5 85% 12 15% 30 20% 1.1 2% 52 75% 93 1% 112 3% 72 5% 184 2% 291 3% CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MB RE FAT TEND 69 89 2 2 100 10 88 39 70 48 35 4 5 3 11 6 61 48 FALL 17 mo BULL – Brother #2 brings the same MULTI-TRAIT EXCELLENCE package of his brother. We expect sale day to have head scratching to determine which brother or brothers to go after. We are extremely pleased with the daughters of 5900 from several different sires. A Prophet daughter with more Ribeye than many.

Huwa 5900 Power Play 9403 Lot 51

BIRTH DATE: 9/6/19 • Bull +*19595499 • TATTOO: 9414 Huwa 5900 Power Play 9414 52

21AR O Lass 7017 Basin Payweight 006S Riverbend Blackbird 4301 Connealy Onward GAR Objective 1885 CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 GAR 5050 New Design 59 MCC Daybreak

VAR Power Play 7018 +*18717078 Basin Payweight 1682

Sandpoint Blackbird 8809

Huwa 733 Prophet 5900 *18512066 GAR Prophet

GAR Daybreak 733

CW MARB RE 62 10% 1.06 10% 0.58 45%

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DOC 13 10% 0.5 35% 75 10% 136 4% 0.24 50% 26 15%

HP CEM MILK MH $M $W $F $G $B $C 8.2 85% 13 10% 39 1% 0.4 40% 61 45% 93 1% 94 20% 67 10% 161 10% 270 10% CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MB RE FAT TEND 15 42 13 5 99 26 88 30 71 68 1 13 28 12 11 42 95 82 FALL 17 mo BULL – (Heifer Bull) This attractive stud is also one that will work on bigger heifers and he wraps together what many cowmen want in a bull with low BW and yet deep high volume to keep replacement heifers. A Top 1% $Weaning bull that is still Top 10% or better for most $ Value Indexes.

Huwa 5900 Power Play 9414 Lot 52


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