Huwa_2021 Sale Catalog_8.125x10.8125_ONLINE

BIRTH DATE: 1/28/20 • Bull *19744125 • TATTOO: 0013 Huwa 8034 B Advance 0013 19

Basin O Lass 1663 GAR Progress Goode 6I6 Rito 309 GAR Prophet

Huwa 2902 B Advance 7000 *18829656 Basin Advance 3134

Goode Prophet 2902

PF CC&7 Henrietta Pride 1044 VAR Discovery 2240

Huwa 619 VAR Legend 8034 +*19134143 VAR Legend 5019

GAR Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28

GAR 28 Ambush 619

CW MARB RE 55 20% 1.14 5% 0.42 75%

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DOC 10 20% 1.1 45% 77 4% 128 10% 0.21 75% -1 95%

HP CEM MILK MH $M $W $F $G $B $C 15.3 10% 12 15% 24 55% 0.6 20% 70 25% 83 4% 91 25% 71 10% 161 10% 279 10% CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MB RE FAT TEND 29 52 6 26 89 19 64 99 5 52 44 26 24 9 7 69 81 44 YEARLING BULL – Another 7000 son from a 2 yr old dam that had an Adj. 205 WW of 781. His dam is a young VAR Legend daughter from a ½ sister to Prophet. A long-sided bull with lots of performance and balanced data across the EPD profile. This initial group of 7000 sons are high performing and balanced trait bulls the promise to make good females. Several good cows in his pedigree back up those numbers.

Huwa 8034 B Advance 0013 Lot 19

BIRTH DATE: 9/9/19 • Bull *19595510 • TATTOO: 9425 Huwa 7053 B Advance 9425 20

BIRTH DATE: 9/12/19 • Bull *19595520 • TATTOO: 9436 Huwa 7405 B Advance 9436 21

Basin O Lass 1663 GAR Progress Goode 6I6 Rito 309 GAR Prophet EXAR New Design 4212 AAR Ten X 7008 SA GAR Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28

Basin O Lass 1663 GAR Progress Goode 6I6 Rito 309 GAR Prophet EXAR New Design 4212 AAR Ten X 7008 SA GAR 5050 New Design 59 MCC Daybreak

Huwa 2902 B Advance 7000 *18829656 Basin Advance 3134

Huwa 2902 B Advance 7000 *18829656 Basin Advance 3134

Goode Prophet 2902

Goode Prophet 2902

Huwa 619 Empire 7053 +*18829588 VAR Empire 3037

Huwa 733 Empire 7405 +*18952364 VAR Empire 3037

GAR 28 Ambush 619

GAR Daybreak 733

CW MARB RE 61 10% 1.3 2% 0.43 70%

CW MARB RE 53 20% 1.2 3% 0.6 45%

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DOC 13 10% 0.1 25% 76 5% 138 3% 0.29 10% 8 85%

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DOC 18 1% -2.5 2% 70 15% 116 25% 0.23 55% 15 60%

HP CEM MILK MH $M $W $F $G $B $C 14.7 15% 12 15% 25 50% 0.4 40% 72 20% 82 4% 108 4% 78 3% 186 1% 313 1% CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MB RE FAT TEND 9 17 18 23 79 37 32 93 19 68 44 51 59 9 1 82 92 9 FALL 17 mo BULL – (Heifer Bull) – This calving ease bull is also an elite marbling bull with a +1.30 EPD that is part of an elite EPD profile across the $ Value Indexes. Multi-Trait Excellence is a breeding program and this bull puts it all together again to create another Top 1% $Combination sire at +$312 at footnotes time. We will have current and updated EPDs sale day!

HP CEM MILK MH $M $W $F $G $B $C 13.6 25% 17 1% 30 20% 0.1 70% 80 5% 90 1% 90 25% 72 5% 163 10% 291 3% CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MB RE FAT TEND 2 6 22 54 61 43 79 57 10 21 17 65 73 22 4 51 100 80 FALL 17 mo BULL – (Heifer Bull) – A sure enough “sleep all night” calving ease bull with an 18 CED and -2.5 BW. An moderate framed attractive patterned bull that excels the maternal traits as well as carcass traits with both his $Maternal and $Grid in the Top 5% of the breed. His dam is a full sister to the dam of Lot 17, so basically full-blood brother to Lot 17.

BIRTH DATE: 9/11/19 • Bull *19595518 • TATTOO: 9433 Huwa 7407 B Advance 9433 22

BIRTH DATE: 9/15/19 • Bull *19595525 • TATTOO: 9441 Huwa 7404 B Advance 9441 23

Basin O Lass 1663 GAR Progress Goode 6I6 Rito 309 GAR Prophet EXAR New Design 4212 AAR Ten X 7008 SA GAR Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28

Basin O Lass 1663 GAR Progress Goode 6I6 Rito 309 GAR Prophet EXAR New Design 4212 AAR Ten X 7008 SA GAR Objective 1885 B/R Ambush 28

Huwa 2902 B Advance 7000 *18829656 Basin Advance 3134

Huwa 2902 B Advance 7000 *18829656 Basin Advance 3134

Goode Prophet 2902

Goode Prophet 2902

Huwa 619 Empire 7407 +*18952366 VAR Empire 3037

Huwa 619 Empire 7404 +*18952363 VAR Empire 3037

GAR 28 Ambush 619

GAR 28 Ambush 619

CW MARB RE 61 10% 0.99 10% 0.53 55%

CW MARB RE 56 15% 0.88 15% 0.53 55%

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DOC 12 10% 0.9 40% 77 4% 136 4% 0.27 25% 19 40%

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD RADG DOC 13 10% 1.1 45% 76 5% 132 10% 0.27 25% 16 55%

HP CEM MILK MH $M $W $F $G $B $C 13.9 20% 11 25% 20 85% 0.7 15% 77 10% 75 10% 105 10% 66 10% 171 4% 299 2% CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MB RE FAT TEND 65 84 7 12 88 6 56 42 6 70 75 20 21 8 15 65 69 67 FALL 17 mo BULL – (Heifer Bull) Another long-sided son of 7000 that has his balanced MULTI-TRAIT pattern from a young VAR Empire daughter from the ½ sister to Prophet. Top 10% $M with Top 4% $B gets him to Top 2% $C. The opportunity is here to buy several bulls closely related or full brothers to add uniformity to your calf crop.

HP CEM MILK MH $M $W $F $G $B $C 10.6 60% 15 2% 30 20% 0.6 20% 74 15% 87 2% 97 15% 58 20% 155 15% 275 10% CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MB RE FAT TEND 34 73 6 12 84 15 15 51 39 11 18 22 21 7 20 61 98 26 FALL 17 mo BULL – Bred the same way from a full sister to dam of Lot 22 with a very strong $ Value Index profile. Another opportunity to buy virtual brothers to turn out.


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