Jan/Feb 2024 Stock Show Edition


ur This is Why we Show series was a highlight for us in 2023. We sat down with Dan Hoge at the Illinois State Fair, Bob May at The Colorado State Fair, Patty Vickland at her home in Loveland,

Horn showing her first heifer there. It was fun seeing Harper in the ring at the American Royal judging her first show with Mark Ebeling selecting the Supreme Heifer. Watching Jarold Callahan and his son Ryan judge at Angus

Colorado, Mark Ebeling at the American Royal, Dave Duello at his Ranch in Pine Bluff, Wyoming, and last but not least, Ken and Clayton Frye at their home in Johnstown, Colorado. It is a privilege to be able to visit with industry greats and get to hear more about where they started and where they are going. The one thing they all have in common is their passion for the cattle industry. If you haven’t been able to watch these videos, you can find them on The Showtimes Facebook page. It is worthwhile to take a few minutes to sit down and learn what made each one of them successful. Stayed tuned for the next videos in the series. You won’t be disappointed. We were fortunate to attend so many shows this year. It was entertaining witnessing the wrestling match between Bob May and Kent Jaecke during Main/ Chi Jr. Nationals in Grand Island (Bob May Pinned him :) as well as Harper

Jr. Nationals is a moment to remember. We get to see the highs and the lows of showing, but most importantly we get to see how talented these kids are in and out of the showring while watching them grow into leaders in our industry. Most recently, The Showtimes had the opportunity to give the first inside look of the new Sue Anschutz/Rodgers Livestock Center currently under construction at The National Western Complex. We are blessed to work with great cattleman, photographers, show officials, and exhibitors. Best wishes for a great 2024!

J/F 2024


Betty Reid

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