Jan/Feb 2024 Stock Show Edition


started showing cattle when I was around 7 years old and I began by showing mainly shorthorn heifers. Now that I’m wrapping up my show career after this year, I’ve shown just about everything from Simmentals to Charolais and everything in between. I have been so fortunate to have had the opportunity to be successful throughout my show career which makes my last year very bittersweet, although it hasn’t fully sunk in yet for me that this chapter of my life is about to close. All of my favorite moments and memories have been from going to livestock shows or working in the barn. I am lucky to be surrounded by the best crew of people in the industry who are the best of the best at what they do. Nate Tice, Jess Recknor, Chad Obrecht, James Knudsen, John


Elder, and Josh Elder to name a few of the people who I couldn’t have done it without. And of course my parents- they are the two people who have supported me through everything and I cannot thank them enough for always being there for me. I feel beyond blessed to have these people in my corner. Some of my favorite wins would have to be my Louisville Supreme wins- which are most special to me because it’s my favorite show to exhibit at. Showing at my last NAILE this year was something so special to me because I truly couldn’t have asked for a better show, Supreme Champion and Reserve Supreme Champion Junior Heifer, Supreme Champion Open Heifer and Supreme Champion Cow Calf Pair. My last year has been the best one yet so far, and I can’t wait to see what is next to come. •

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