Jan/Feb 2024 Stock Show Edition

Jennifer Poad is a Showtimes Hall of Fame Member! She continues to share the message in each issue of The Showtimes.

A few weeks ago, we made last minute plans go to a one-day prospect show. We got up at 4:00 that morning and washed the steers before we left. We made it to the show about an hour before showmanship was supposed to start, so we had plenty of time to get set up to stall off the trailer and get the steers shined back up. We noticed that there was a longhorn show right before the steer show, which really isn’t a normal thing, even for Texas. We didn’t know what to expect, but figured there couldn’t be more than ten or twelve longhorns that would show up. We were wrong. The longhorn show ended up taking over two hours. You all know that feeling of early morning show day excitement and adrenaline. You really want to keep that going, but having to sit around and wait for two hours makes you lose your momentum. The first thing we need to remember is that God is in charge of everything. Waiting has a purpose if we look at it as an opportunity instead of a burden. One of the reasons we don’t like to wait, is that it makes us feel like we are not in control. The Bible teaches

us in James 5:7-8 “7 Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. 8 You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.” Waiting appears 158 times in the Bible. We are repeatedly taught to wait, be patient, and trust in the Lord. God knows the big picture and is in control. His reason for our wait might be for us to spend time praying. Perhaps we are supposed to strike up a conversation with someone in line and invite them to church. There are so many out there that are hurting and lonely, you never know what kind of blessing you can be to someone by smiling and being friendly. Complaining and being impatient will prevent us from using this time for good. Not only did we learn a little about longhorns the day of that show, but we ran into a first year family that needed a little advice on feeding, we made some new connections, and before we knew it, the wait was over. ●




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