After several years of exhibiting and marketing Angus cattle, in 2015 the Lemenager trio made the decision to purchase their first Hereford heifer. “We saw this as a chance not only for Paige to establish her own unique branch of Lemenager Cattle, but also an exceptional opportunity to be a part of another outstanding national junior program with great cattle, breeders, and families,” Luke explains. Flashforward to 2022, it remains at the forefront of every decision when buying show heifers to find a potential donor. Paige reflects: “Walking through a pasture of past show heifers is a wonderful feeling. We are proud of their genetics, show careers, and even more proud to have them in our herd.” The spark that lit Paige’s fire for competition began while traveling to jackpot shows alongside her cousin Gabrielle. Those same jackpot shows in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Missouri is where Paige learned to take coaching and built a foundation of tremendous showmanship skills developing her into the showman she is today. Luke recalls how there were many late Sunday nights and the farthest thing from their mind Monday morning was going to another long weekend jackpot. By the time Thursday hit they were eager to repack the trailer and hit the road again. Stacy describes “Certainly we are competitive and proud of the success Paige has achieved, but the big picture as parents was to raise Paige to be hard-working, sincere, and passionate with her endeavors.” At 18 years old, approaching the end of her junior career Paige describes, “Pack the trailer, make the drive, and don’t look back. You are truly building your own legacy one day at a time and I’m forever grateful for the memories I’ve made doing what I love, with the people I love.” •
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