have had the greatest support system behind the scenes,” Luke adds, “Farm help, fitters, and friends become more like a part of your family. We strive to set an example for Paige and other juniors by surrounding ourselves with good people that have a strong work ethic.” Those who know Paige or have visited the farm understand her love for her stock. “She knows the pedigrees of our cow herd like the back of her hand and has given farm tours for countless years, we are incredibly proud of the stockman she’s become,” Stacy proudly shares. Paige attends Lake Land College in Mattoon, Illinois, and competes on the collegiate livestock judging team. She hopes to one day transfer to a university and study Agriculture Economics. Her studies reflect her desire to find a career as an attorney to give back to the industry that shaped her and assist farmers/ranchers in estate and succession planning. Luke is a Field Sales Representative for Stone Seed a division of Bayer AG and Stacy is a Business Lines Consultant for State Farm Insurance. Building Their Foundation In 1998 Luke received a bonus check from his job selling seed and purchased their first Angus heifer, which his brother Chuck had seen and recommended. As Luke describes, “Stacy and I had been dating for 3 years. We went and looked at the heifer together, liked what we saw, and decided to use my bonus to purchase the heifer rather than buy an engagement ring. We believed the investment in that heifer would be a great foundation to build our future on.” The Lemenager family knew the commitment and hard work it would take to operate a registered herd of cattle and were devoted to seeing the project through. “Our involvement in the Angus breed has opened countless doors of opportunity for us to network with fellow breeders, families, and friends across the United States,” Stacy explains.
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