2022 USSA Member Directory

Dear Suffolk Breeders, I hope you enjoy the 2022 Suffolk Breeder Directory. We are excited to be partnering with the SHOWTIMES again. We received so much positive feedback last year! First, a big thank you to our outgoing board member - Jeff Baumann (MO), for your outstanding contributions to our board and to the USSA. I would also like to express my appreciation for all the board members: Matt Wolf (ID), Greg Ahart (CA), Cynthia Huckins (NV), Carol Heupel (CO), Jim Van Dyke (SD), Tom Burke (MO), Dennis Sorensen (IL), Randy Dombek (MN), Randy Hodges (MI), Brenda Reau (MI), and Bill Zwyers (IN), for your willingness to serve, the time you give and the leadership you provide. Most importantly, to our Secretary Amanda – we couldn’t do any of this without you. I also want to thank you, the members, for your enthusiasm for Suffolk sheep. Be Proud, celebrate this past year’s successes and accomplishments. Be Realistic, one good year after decades of trending in the wrong direction does not mean we have solved all our problems. Be Thoughtful, strategic planning is essential to our long-range success. Be Selfless, put aside personal agendas and petty disagreements and focus on the things we have in common. Be Engaged, share your good ideas with the board and the various committees. It was refreshing to get back to more live sheep sales, shows, conventions and meetings. There is no substitute for the fellowship of spending time with others in the sheep industry. While technology

has allowed us to conduct business remotely, some things are much better in person. Lamb prices were great and look to continue to be strong in 2022. Most of the ram sales were good and I’m hopeful we will continue to see strong demand for Suffolk genetics. Your board and your Secretary will be working diligently to implement our new registration software program as well as continuing our efforts to keep the USSA financially viable into the future. Please continue to register and transfer Suffolks, and encourage your customers to do the same. It is my honor to serve as your President for one more year. Thank you for the words of encouragement that I have received from so many of you. Thank you for the constructive criticisms and suggestions that help us make better decisions for the organization. Thank you for sharing your ideas with me and with your district representatives. As I write this letter, my AI lambs are growing nicely and showing good promise. My natural service lambs are due to start any day now. Other than a few challenges with Cache Valley Virus, its been a good lambing season for me so far. I hope you are all having an enjoyable lambing season as well and that your mating decisions last summer have resulted in some great Suffolk lambs. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any of your district board members. I can be reached at jeremy.geske@gmail. com or 612-756-1200. Hope to see many of you at Suffolk events this year. Cheers, Jeremy Geske

United Suffolk Sheep Association P.O. Box 121 ● Holland, IA 50642

OFFICE: 641.684.5291 FAX: 734.335.7646 EMAIL: info@suffolks.org WEBSITE: suffolks.org

Executive Secretary amanda@suffolks.org

Amanda, our friendly secretary, and office staff can get you the answers or information you need. Her job is to provide the very best service to Suffolk breeders around the world. And she is good at it!


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