The United Suffolk Sheep Association offers several registry programs in addition to it's purebred registry. Some of these programs support or tie into the purebred registry through continual registry. For more details on any of these program, please contact the USSA Office.
AMNESTY PROGRAM: The Suffolk Amnesty Program was established to provide a means for United Suffolk Sheep Association or United Junior Suffolk Sheep Association members to catchup on registry work. Eligibility for Suffolk Amnesty Program: 1. Must be a member in good standing of the USSA or UJSSA Details of Suffolk Amnesty Program 1. With acceptance into the Suffolk Amnesty Program, registrations are $10/head for sheep over the age of 1 year old. 2. Enrollment in the Suffolk Amnesty program is limited; flocks are eligible to enroll once every 7 years. 3. The Suffolk Amnesty program is intended to assist breeders that have had a multiple-year lapse in registrations. Yearlings do not qualify for the reduced rate unless they are part of a group of applications including older sheep. Regular fees apply to the current year lambs. 4.Program open to Purebred, Percentage and GAP Suffolks. Upon acceptance to the Suffolk Amnesty Program, flocks can apply for registry using a registration application submitted via Jotform (electronic) mail, email or fax. If a GAP flock is enrolling in the Amnesty program, GAP application and acceptance is also required. PERCENTAGE PROGRAM: The United Suffolk Sheep Association offers a Suffolk Percentage Program for members to identify and maintain records on their non- purebred replacement seed stock. Percentage registered Suffolks will receive green Percentage Registration Certificates which indicates the animals purity in the bottom-left corner of the certificate. Animals will receive this paper until they have reached 15/16 or 94% pure. At 94% the animal is considered to be a purebred Suffolk and will receive a white linen registration paper. Rule of Entry: For an animal to enter the Percentage Program, at least one parent must be registered as a Purebred or Percentage Suffolk. Percentage registration forms can be found on the Registration page. There is no flock program application required for the percentage program, those who are interested can use the percentage registration form to enroll sheep. Contact the USSA Office to learn more about this program and how your flock can be enrolled.
The United Suffolk Board in its retreat during the spring of 2015 proposed a goal of establishing a Suffolk genetic recovery program under the breed improvement plan. It became apparent to the Board that a number of Suffolk breeders had not registered their Suffolks for many years. These sheep were not eligible for the percentage registration program even though they were of Suffolk origins. The Board decided to explore the ramifications of allowing these breeders to register their sheep by appointing a committee to further investigate the issue. The Board adopted a Suffolk genetic recovery proposal after much research and numerous meetings. The parameters of the program are as follows. Eligibility for Suffolk GAP registrations ● Must be a member in good standing of the USSA or UJSSA ● Certify to the best of your knowledge that the sheep being considered for GAP are of Suffolk descent by signing the application for registration. ● Offspring of these ewes are only eligible for registration if sired by a registered (fullblood) Suffolk ram. Instructions for GAP Registrations ● Own 1 or more blackface ewes that are Suffolk in their phenotype ● Papers have not been maintained on these ewes for generations ● Records have been maintained on the ewes and you are confident that they are Suffolk in their genetic makeup ● Fill out a background questionnaire the sheep being preposed for registration ● An inspection, either physically or photographically, will validate their phenotype and determine their eligibility for registration ● Physical inspection will be by a USSA director or designee of the USSA Board ● Two photos per ewe will be required ● One picture of the animals head (front view) ● One picture of the animal’s profile (side view) ● Photos should be of reasonable quality and clear ● Once the ewes have been approved for registration, complete an application for Suffolk GAP registration If you are interested contact the USSA office.
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