2022 USSA Member Directory


The foundation is funding a new opportunity this year for a young producer to attend the American lamb Summit. This is an outstanding two-day educational program where people from across the industry come together to network and learn about improving the quality of American Lamb. Be sure to check our website for more details on this exciting opportunity. We hope you had an opportunity to participate in the Foundation informational webinar in March. This webinar shared what we’re doing, and our presenters discussed tax strategies for contributors and how you can include the Foundation in your estate plan. If you missed it, you’re still able to tune in – it’s archived on the Foundation page suffolks.org! We thank each of you who have contributed to the Foundation. During our first two years, contributions have taken many forms. We have received cash through traditional and online contributions, transfer of funds from an IRA, an estate that gifted funds from the sale of its Suffolk sheep flock, and donations of semen and equipment. We had a successful auction at the Hall of Fame Dinner, thanks to those who donated and purchased some very nice items. We have also had members connect their Amazon purchases to the Foundation’s “Amazon Smile” program, which provides a small rebate portion of purchase proceeds to the Foundation for each purchase. There are so many ways to contribute to the Foundation, and we invite you to contribute in a way that is a good fit for you. As the Foundation grows, we will be able to provide more benefits for the Suffolk breed and its members, and we invite you to join us in this journey. Feel free to reach out to Amanda or any Foundation board member with questions you may have or ideas to strengthen our Foundation efforts. We appreciate your support! Bill Royer President, United Suffolk Sheep Foundation

It has been almost 2 ½ years since we formed the United Suffolk Sheep Foundation as a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit entity. Our purpose is to provide funding for youth development, education, and research. While we do have our own Board of Directors and bylaws, we work in collaboration with the USSA and UJSSA Boards to support the Suffolk breed. The Foundation is proud of our accomplishments. We are funding three youth scholarships. The Foundation administers the Ewe Lamb Give- Away program, providing five Suffolk ewe lambs to youth from across the country that have not previously owned a Suffolk. Contributions made to the Foundation for these youth programs and all other Foundation programs are tax-deductible, so it is a great way to support our breed and save on your taxes.

The United Suffolk Sheep Association Foundation has been es- tablished as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation with the mission of raising funds to support the following goals: • Provide educational programs and materials for development of the Suffolk breed and United States sheep industry. • Provide development of youth through events including (but not limited to), public speaking, knowledge of the Suffolk and sheep breeds, judging, and other activities to develop youth to be better individuals and care takers of Suffolk sheep or other sheep in United States. • Support research related to the development of the Suffolk breed and the United States sheep industry. The USSA Foundation is managed by a board of directors. Board members are elected by the board of directors and will be USSA members. The board may also elect an outside representative to the board who is someone who is knowledgeable of the sheep industry and supports the goals of the foundation. All contributions to the foundation are tax deductible. Donations may be made in the form of a cash contribution or another type of personal asset such a stocks, bonds, livestock, or real estate. Suffolk supporters may want to consider including the founda- tion in their estate plan.

Bill Royer (IL), President royerfarm@aol.com Brenda Reau (MI), Vice President reau@msu.edu Tom Burke (MO), Treasurer kim@angushall.com Amanda Everts (IA), Secretary amanda@suffolks.org Ron Alves (CA) torpysonoma@yahoo.com Bill MacCauley (PA) bmaccauley@johnrock.com Wayne Skartvedt (IA) wmskar@netins.net John Peck (NJ) mtsalemsuffolks@yahoo.com

UNITED SUFFOLK SHEEP FOUNDATION Facebook @suffolksheepfoundation Instagram @suffolksheepfoundation


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