2022 USSA Member Directory

MEMBERSHIP DUES Membership Dues (effective 1/1/22) NewMembership - $50.00/year Paid prior to March 1 - $50.00/year Paid after March 1 - $65.00/year

UJSSA Dues (Junior, age 21 and under) - $15.00

● BREED IMPROVEMENT Brenda Reau, Chair Carol Heupel, Bill Zwyers, Dennis Sorensen, Greg Ahart, Randy Hodges, Joe Emenheiser, Michael Jensen, William Fulton, Lloyd McCabe ● BUDGET Carol Heupel, Chair Jeremy Geske, Randy Hodges, Greg Ahart, Randy Dombek, Tom Burke, Matt Wolf ● BY-LAWS Dennis Sorensen, Chair Jeremy Geske, Jim Van Dyke, Randy Hodges, Matt Wolf, Michael Jensen ● EDUCATION Bill Zwyers, Chair Dennis Sorensen, Greg Ahart, Joe Emenheiser, Nancy Burton, Lloyd McCabe ● HALL OF FAME Randy Hodges, Chair Tom Burke, Dennis Sorensen, Matt Wolf ● ONLINE SALES Randy Dombek, Chair Jim Van Dyke, Cynthia Huckins, Matt Wolf ● STRATEGIC PLANNING Greg Ahart, Chair Jeremy Geske, Randy Hodges, Carol Heupel, Randy Dombek, Bill Zwyers, Brenda Reau ● YOUTH ACTIVITIES Jim Van Dyke, Chair Tom Burke, Katherine Parsley, Wesley Linke, Nancy Burton, Carie Jackson ● DIRECTORY Matt Wolf, Chair Jeremy Geske, Amanda Everts ● NEWREGISTRATION PROGRAM Amanda Everts, Chair Carol Heupel, Bill Zwyers, Jeremy Geske ● UNITED JUNIOR SUFFOLK SHEEP ASSOCIATION Katherine Parsley, Creed Harker, Savannah Bailey, Joey Slack, Wesley Linke, Katie Ford, Allee Hoover, Raesa Zelinsky, Lilly Ostlie ● UNITED SUFFOLK SHEEP FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bill Royer, Brenda Reau, Tom Burke, Wayne Skartvedt, Bill MacCauley, John Peck, Amanda Everts, Ron Alves

Include name, flock or ranch name, address, city, state, zip and phone number. Juniors include birthday. Membership forms can be found on the association website. Send to USSA, P.O. Box 121, Holland, IA 50642.

MEMBER RATES Registration - Animal registered within one year of birth - $6.00/head Late Registrations – animals over 1 year old - $15.00/head Re-Registration from Canadian or UK Registries - $6.00

Transfer of Ownership - $10.00/head Within Family Transfer - $3.00/head NON-MEMBER RATES Registration – any age- $25.00/head Rush Fees Needed within 72 hours - $25.00/head Needed in less than 14 days - $10.00/head

OTHER FEES *NEW Sire/Breeding Verification Fee - For registry work submitted that does not have a signature or any approval from the owner of the sire. A fee will be charged if the office initiates the approval from the owner of the sire to register lambs. - $10.00

Duplicate Certificates - Must be the recorded owner - $5.00 Corrected Certificates – Must be the recorded owner - $5.00

Christening - Naming of Rams or Ewes - $15.00 Extended Pedigrees - 5 Generations - $10.00

Credit Card Convenience fee ($1 for transactions=<$35.00 and 3% for transactions > $35.00) will be implemented for payments made via credit card.

For accounts 90 past due, a finance charge of 1% per month will be applied.

Payment methods include check, credit card (call the office) or PayPal (link on the USSA website).

"To define, register, promote and improve the Suffolk breed to provide leadership for the advancement and future of the entire U.S. Sheep Industry."

"To be the most innovative, value adding, member- driven sheep breed organixation for an evolving U.S. Sheep Industry."


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