Sept/Oct 2024 Fall Edition

a few times and coming up short a lot more can help keep everything in perspective. 6. WHERE DO YOU WANT TO SEE THE LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY IN THE FUTURE? I want to see family farms succeed. 7. WHEN YOU HAVE A TOUGH CLASS OR A PAIR OF ANIMALS IN A SHOW YOU ARE JUDGING, HOW DO YOU APPROACH THE SITUATION? Tough pair or tough class doesn’t really differ from any other class no matter the quality. I just work through my progressions and make sure my heart and mind agree. 8. WHAT IS SOMETHING THAT SOMEONE WOULD BE SURPRISED TO LEARN ABOUT YOU? I played Junior college basketball. 9. WHAT’S YOUR BEST PIECE OF ADVICE? Believe in yourself. It’s okay if your beliefs differ from those around you. Be open minded, but trust yourself and stay strong to who you are. 10. THIS IS WHY I SHOW… Because nobody has it better than this Industry!

3. IF YOU COULD BUILD THE PERFECT STEER, WHAT WOULD HE LOOK LIKE? I don’t believe we can ever agree on what’s “perfect”. I do believe strongly that we can chase and find greatness. A great one is still productive enough to look like it would be easy to raise but elusive enough in its look and presence that you know they are not easy to get or make. 4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING TO DO OUTSIDE OF CATTLE? That question is slightly confusing because for me life without cattle is like life without air. I do enjoy watching football and I’m also the worst coyote hunter in the history of hunters; but I still enjoy doing it. 5. HOW DO YOU ENCOMPASS YOUR BACKGROUND AS A CATTLE PRODUCER INTO JUDGING A STEER SHOW? I’m a cow guy. Our entire operation’s success is directly related to the quality of our calf crop. The self-awareness to know where your genetics needs improvement is important. The mix of what sells good and what is easy to produce can also be a challenge at times. Having experienced all aspects from clipping, breeding, calving and showing while winning




are obvious contenders. I appreciate them so much. But they will understand that my personal influence came from Dan Hoge. Dan helped me in my early transitional years when I was trying to figure out my direction. Dan was one that truly believed in me before I had the confidence to believe in myself. I was able to relate with his very competitive nature. He pushed me to become a successful livestock judge. He put my name out in the judging circles during the early years and helped me secure jobs. I will always appreciate his influence and encouragement. He would always say, “It’s going to be good, you just go out and be you.”

1. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO THE MOST ABOUT JUDGING? The honor and privilege to get out in the ring to represent the historic American Royal. I’m excited to be a part of the rich history of this nation’s best livestock show. The opportunity to evaluate the most competitive families and best show steers this country has to offer is a thrilling endeavor and I’m proud to be a part of it. 2. WHO HAS HAD THE BIGGEST INFLUENCE ON YOU AS A PERSON? The list would be long with folks that have had a positive impact on me through the years. My wife, Kim, and my parents

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